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Map in C++ | C++ STL
C++ STL Map and its library functions: Here, we are going to learn about the Map in C++ STL (Standard Template Library).
Submitted by Vivek Kothari, on November 11, 2018
What are Maps in C++ STL?
Maps are associative containers. Maps store elements in form of apair of key value and there mapped value and the key value are stored in sorted manner. Maps are a part of the C++ STL and key values in maps are generally used to identify the elements i.e. there is a value associated with every key. Therefore, there are no two elements in map which have same key and internally, the elements in a map are always sorted by its key. The type of key and elements can be differ in map.
Map Template
Below is the template of a Map in C++ STL:
std::map <key_type, data_type>
Below is the syntax of the declaration of a Map in C++ STL:
map <key_type,data_type> myMap;
This line creates a map myMap, where key is of type specified by key_type and element is of type specified by data_type.
C++ STL Map Functions
Now, explore some built in function used in map:
Functions | Description |
begin() |
It returns an iterator to the first element |
end() |
It returns an iterator to the element which is just after to the last element |
size() |
It returns the number of elements in the map |
empty() |
It returns whether the map is empty or not |
clear() |
It removes all the elements from the map |
pair insert(key_value,map_value) |
It insert a new element to the map |
erase(iterator position) |
It erase the element at the position pointed by the iterator |
Example of a Map in C++ STL
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
map<int, string> mymap;
// insert elements in map
mymap.insert(pair<int, string>(1, "include"));
mymap.insert(pair<int, string>(2, "help"));
mymap.insert(pair<int, string>(3, "computer"));
mymap.insert(pair<int, string>(4, "science"));
mymap.insert(pair<int, string>(5, "portal"));
// printing map elements
map<int, string>::iterator it;
cout << "Elements in map : " << endl;
for (it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); it++) {
cout << "key = " << it->first << " value = " << it->second << endl;
// erase element having key = 1
cout << "Elements in map after erasing element having key = 1 : " << endl;
for (it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); it++) {
cout << "key = " << it->first << " value = " << it->second << endl;
return 0;
Elements in map :
key = 1 value = include
key = 2 value = help
key = 3 value = computer
key = 4 value = science
key = 5 value = portal
Elements in map after erasing element having key = 1 :
key = 2 value = help
key = 3 value = computer
key = 4 value = science
key = 5 value = portal