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Replace all vowels in a string using C++ STL function
In this article, we are going to see how to use C++ STL function find_first_of() to replace all the vowels by some other character?
Submitted by Radib Kar, on July 18, 2020
C++ std::find_first_of()
Problem Statement
Replace all the vowels by '*' using C++ STL function.
Here is an example with sample input and output:
Replacing all vowels in a string using C++ STL
Of course, we can do it simply by checking each character of the input string. But to elaborate the usage of find_first_of() function.
So the algorithm is our collection of characters would be the vowels.
Let's say that vowels="aeiou" out of which we need to search. So each time we find any character out of those vowels we mark that as '*'. When we will not find any more we will be done.
Just for the example,
Input = "includehelp"
So firstly it finds 'i' and replaces with '*'
So input is now "*ncludehelp"
In next iteration it finds u and marks it with '*'
So input is now "*ncl*dehelp"
So on lastly we get
"*ncl*d*h*lp" and processing this step
it returns std::npos and thus it stops.
C++ STL program to replace all vowels in a string
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
string str;
cout << "Input the string\n";
cin >> str;
cout << "After replacing all the vowels from the input string\n";
string vowels = "aeiou";
//while there is vowel in the string
while (str.find_first_of(vowels) != string::npos) {
//replaced the vowel with '*'
str[str.find_first_of(vowels)] = '*';
cout << "The updated string is: " << str << endl;
return 0;
Input the string
After replacing all the vowels from the input string
The updated string is: *ncl*d*h*lp
The above procedure is computationally expensive that the naïve process where we can run a loop and replace vowels. But the purpose of the program is to show how we can use function find_first_of() efficiently to solve string searching problems.
Also if instead of vowels, we had to search for a long collection of characters it helps.