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Stack in C++ STL (Standard Template Library)
C++ STL Stack: Here, we are going to learn about the stack in C++ STL, how to implement a stack using C++ standard template library?
Submitted by Radib Kar, on February 03, 2019
Stack in data structure
The stack is an ordered list where insertion and deletion are done from the same end, top. The last element that entered first is the first one to be deleted (the basic principle behind the LIFO). That means it is a data structure which is implemented as LIFO.
The main stack operations are (basic ADT operations):
- push (T data): Insertion at top
- T pop(): Deletion from top
- bool isEmpty(): Checks for stack to be empty
Here, T is the datatype (int/char/float etc)
The Standard Template Library (STL) is a set of C++ template classes to provide common programming data structures and functions such as lists, stacks, arrays, etc. Therefore STACK can be implemented with help of STL too.
To declare a stack of datatype T:
stack<T> st; //basic STL declarations
stack<int> st; //stack to hold integers only
To declare the stack iterator:
stack<T>::iterator it;
stack<int>::iterator it;
C++ STACK Functions
- push(T item) - Inserts an item on top
- pop() - Pops the top element, it doesn't return the popped item
- top() - Returns the top element
- empty - Returns true or false based on whether stack is empty
- size() - Returns size of the stack
You can click on each function to check detailed code and implementation of each function. Below is the assemble of a total stack operation.
C++ STL Stack Implementation
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "...STACK STL...\n";
stack<int> st; // declare the stack
cout << "enter 0 to stop pushing else enter any other integer\n";
int num, count = 0;
cin >> num;
while (num != 0) {
st.push(num); // push function
cin >> num;
cout << "stack size is: " << st.size() << endl; // size function
cout << "popping...\n";
cout << "stack elements are:\n";
while (!st.empty()) { // stack not empty
cout << "top element is:" << st.top() << endl; // print top element
if (st.empty()) cout << "stack empty\n";
cout << "stack size is: " << st.size() << endl; // size function
cout << count << " pop operation performed total to make stack empty\n";
return 0;
enter 0 to stop pushing else enter any other integer
stack size is: 5
stack elements are:
top element is:-4
top element is:12
top element is:8
top element is:7
top element is:3
stack empty
stack size is: 0
5 pop operation performed total to make stack empty