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Python program to perform tuple intersection in list (order irrespective)
Here, we are given two lists of tuples. We need to create a program to perform tuple intersection in lists irrespective of the order of tuples in Python.
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on August 28, 2021
Python programming language is a high-level and object-oriented programming language. Python is an easy to learn, powerful high-level programming language. It has a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming.
Tuples in Python is a collection of items similar to list with the difference that it is ordered and immutable.
tuple = ("python", "includehelp", 43, 54.23)
List is a sequence data type. It is mutable as its values in the list can be modified. It is a collection of an ordered set of values enclosed in square brackets []
list = [3 ,1, 5, 7]
Here, we are given two lists consisting of tuple elements. And we need to perform intersection in the list i.e., find the tuple from which is present in both the list in Python.
tupList1 = [(8, 1), (5, 10)], tupList2 = [(6, 3), (10, 5)]
{(5, 10)}
To solve this problem, we will be traversing both lists to tuples to find all the tuples which are common in both. For checking for common tuples, we will not consider the order of elements in the tuple.
Method 1:
We will sort the tuples (we need to find common tuples irrespective of order). Then perform intersection operations on lists using & operator.
# Python program to perform tuple intersection
# in lists
# Creating and printing both lists
myTupleList1 = [(8, 1), (5, 10)]
myTupleList2 = [(6, 3), (10, 5)]
print("Tuple List 1 : " + str(myTupleList1))
print("Tuple List 2 : " + str(myTupleList2))
# Performing tuple intersection in List
intersection = set([tuple(sorted(vals)) for vals in myTupleList1]) & set([tuple(sorted(vals)) for vals in myTupleList2])
# printing intersection set
print("Intersection of both list : " + str(intersection))
Tuple List 1 : [(8, 1), (5, 10)]
Tuple List 2 : [(6, 3), (10, 5)]
Intersection of both list : {(5, 10)}
Method 2:
Another way to solve the problem is by converting the tuples to sets (which are ordered) and then do the intersection of these sets using frozenset and map it to get the resultant.
# Python program to perform tuple intersection
# in lists
# Creating and printing both lists
myTupleList1 = [(8, 1), (5, 10)]
myTupleList2 = [(6, 3), (10, 5)]
print("Tuple List 1 : " + str(myTupleList1))
print("Tuple List 2 : " + str(myTupleList2))
# Performing tuple intersection in List
intersection = set(map(frozenset, myTupleList1)) & set(map(frozenset, myTupleList2))
# printing intersection set
print("Intersection of both list : " + str(intersection))
Tuple List 1 : [(8, 1), (5, 10)]
Tuple List 2 : [(6, 3), (10, 5)]
Intersection of both list : {frozenset({10, 5})}
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