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Python program to extract tuples having K digit elements
Here, we have a list of tuples and we need to extract all tuples from the list whose elements are of k digits in Python.
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on July 31, 2021
Python programming language is a high-level and object-oriented programming language. Python is an easy to learn, powerful high-level programming language. It has a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming.
Tuples in Python is a collection of items similar to list with the difference that it is ordered and immutable.
tuple = ("python", "includehelp", 43, 54.23)
List is a sequence data type. It is mutable as its values in the list can be modified. It is a collection of ordered set of values enclosed in square brackets [].
list = [3 ,1, 5, 7]
Extracting Tuples having K digit elements
We need to find all the tuples from the list whose all elements have exactly k number of digits.
[(32, 55), (12, 6), (16, 99), (120, 32)]
[(32, 55), (16, 99)]
Python programming language provides more than one way to perform the task.
Method 1:
A method to solve the problem is using some built-in function in python to select all tuples with k digit values. We will use the filter() method to filter find all the tuples k digit values, for this we will be using the lambda function.
# Python Program to extract Tuples having
# K digit elements
# Initializing list
tupList = [(32, 55), (12, 6), (16, 99), (120, 32)]
print("The List of Tuples : " + str(tupList))
K = 2
# Updating Values
updatedTupList = list(filter(lambda sub: all(len(str(ele)) == K for ele in sub), tupList))
# Printing result
print("Extracted List of tuples with k digit elements : " + str(updatedTupList))
The List of Tuples : [(32, 55), (12, 6), (16, 99), (120, 32)]
Extracted List of tuples with k digit elements : [(32, 55), (16, 99)]
Method 2:
We can perform the same task in a better way using list comprehension and all() method.
# Python program to extract Tuples having
# K digit elements
# Initializing list
tupList = [(32, 55), (12, 6), (16, 99), (120, 32)]
print("The List of Tuples : " + str(tupList))
K = 2
# Updating Values
updatedTupList = [tup for tup in tupList if all(len(str(values)) == K for values in tup)]
# Printing result
print("Extracted List of tuples with k digit elements : " + str(updatedTupList))
The List of Tuples : [(32, 55), (12, 6), (16, 99), (120, 32)]
Extracted List of tuples with k digit elements : [(32, 55), (16, 99)]
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