Python program to concatenate tuple elements by delimiter

Here, we have a list of tuples and we need to concatenate elements of tuple using a delimiter.
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on September 06, 2021

Python programming language is a high-level and object-oriented programming language. Python is an easy to learn, powerful high-level programming language. It has a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming.

Tuples in Python is a collection of items similar to list with the difference that it is ordered and immutable.


tuple = ("python", "includehelp", 43, 54.23)

Concatenating Tuple elements by Delimiter

We have a tuple consisting of elements and a delimiter string. And we need to concatenate the values to a string.

tuple = ("Python", "program", 5, "scala"), delimiter = “-”


For performing this task, we have more than one method to solve the problem.

Method 1:

To concatenate the tuples, we will use the str() to convert all characters to string and then concatenate them with a delimiter using join() method.

The map is used to perform the mapping of the string.

# Python program to concatenate tuples 
# using delimiter 

# Creating and printing the tuple and delimiter
myTuple = ("Python", "program", 5, "scala")
print("Tuple values are " + str(myTuple))
delimiter = "-"

# Concatenating the tuple using delimiter 
concatenated = delimiter.join(map(str, myTuple))

# printing Concatenated string 
print("Concatenated Tuple with delimiter : " + str(concatenated))


Tuple values are ('Python', 'program', 5, 'scala')
Concatenated Tuple with delimiter : Python-program-5-scala

Method 2:

Another method to solve the problem is by using list comprehension where we will loop through the tuple and using the + operator add a delimiter to the string.

# Python program to concatenate tuples 
# using delimiter 

# Creating and printing the tuple and delimiter
myTuple = ("Python", "program", 5, "scala")
print("Tuple values are " + str(myTuple))
delimiter = "-"

# Concatenating the tuple using delimiter 
concatenated = ''.join([str(ele) + delimiter for ele in myTuple])

# Logic for removing the ending delimiter...
concatenated = concatenated[ : len(concatenated) - len(delimiter)]

# Printing Concatenated string 
print("Concatenated Tuple with delimiter : " + str(concatenated))


Tuple values are ('Python', 'program', 5, 'scala')
Concatenated Tuple with delimiter : Python-program-5-scala

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