Print a tuple with string formatting in Python

By IncludeHelp Last updated : November 26, 2023

Problem statement

Given a tuple, you have to write a Python program to print it with string formatting.

Printing a tuple with string formatting

To print a tuple with string formatting, use the .format() method to insert the tuple into the string. Write the string along with the index number as 0 within the curly braces {} and pass the tuple object in the .format() method.


Below is the syntax:

print("string {0}".format(tuple_object))


In this example, we have a tuple "city" with some values and we will print the tuple "tpl" with the string.

# defining a tuple 
cities = ("New Delhi", "Indore", "Mumbai")
# printing tuple with string
print("Popular cities in India are {0}".format(cities))


The output of the above example is:

Popular cities in India are ('New Delhi', 'Indore', 'Mumbai')

Printing multiple tuples with string formatting

Similarly, if you have multiple tuples and want to print them with string formatting, use the index numbers with curly braces {0}, {1}, and so on … and pass the tuples objects in the .format() method and add their values in the string.


Below is the syntax:

print("string {0} string {1}".format(tuple_object1, tuple_object2))


In this example, we have two tuples "countries", and "capitals" and we will print their values with the string.

# defining two tuples 
countries = ("India", "USA", "UK")
capitals = ("New Delhi", "Washington, D.C.", "London")
# printing tuple with string
print("Countries are: {0} \n and their capitals are: {1}".format(countries, capitals))


The output of the above example is:

Countries are: ('India', 'USA', 'UK') 
 and their capitals are: ('New Delhi', 'Washington, D.C.', 'London')

Printing nested tuples with string formatting

Nested tuples can also be added and printed with a string using the .format() method.


Below is the syntax:

print("string {0}".format(tuple_object)


In this example, we have nested two "students" and we will print their values with the string.

# Creating a nested tupls
students = ((1, "Alex", 21), (2, "Alvin", 23))
# printing nested tuple with string
print("Students data {0}".format(students))


The output of the above example is:

Students data ((1, 'Alex', 21), (2, 'Alvin', 23))

Python Tuple Programs »


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