
C# LINQ Programs

This section contains the set of C# solved programs on LINQ, with solution approach, output, and explanation.

List of C# LINQ Programs

  1. C# - Count the files based on extension using LINQ
  2. C# - Generate random even numbers using LINQ Parallel Query
  3. C# - Generate numbers that are multiples of 5 using LINQ Parallel Query
  4. C# - Print the list of non-generic collections using LINQ
  5. C# - Print the employees whose id is greater than 101 using LINQ
  6. C# - Print the employees whose salary between 6000 and 8000 using LINQ
  7. C# - Print the employees whose name start with 'S' using LINQ
  8. C# - Print employees whose name have less than 4 characters using LINQ
  9. C# - Print employees whose name's ends with 'n' using LINQ
  10. C# - Print employees whose name starts with 'S', Age > 23 using LINQ
  11. C# - Print all numbers greater than a given number in an array using LINQ
  12. C# - Print names that contain a substring using LINQ
  13. C# - Print employees whose salary is greater than average salaries using LINQ
  14. C# - Print numbers less than average of all numbers in an array using LINQ
  15. C# - Example of Except Method in LINQ
  16. C# - Example of SelectMany() Method in LINQ
  17. C# - Example of where() Method of List Collection using LINQ
  18. C# - Example of where() Method of List Collection using LINQ (Print students list whose name contains 4 characters)
  19. C# - Method as a condition in LINQ where() method of List collection
  20. C# - Find the index of even numbers using LINQ
  21. C# - Find string values from objects list using LINQ OfType() Method
  22. C# - Find negative double numbers from objects list using LINQ
  23. C# - Example of LINQ Distinct() Method
  24. C# - Example of LINQ Intersect() Method
  25. C# - Example of LINQ Union() Method
  26. C# - Example of LINQ Union() Method with StringComparer
  27. C# - Example of LINQ Concat() Method
  28. C# - Example of LINQ OrderBy() Method | Sort a List of Integers
  29. C# - Example of LINQ OrderBy() Method | Sort a List of Strings
  30. C# - Sort a list of employees based on salary using LINQ
  31. C# - Sort employees list based on salary, department using LINQ
  32. C# - Find integers from objects list and sort them using LINQ
  33. C# - Example of LINQ Intersect() Method with OrderBy() Method
  34. C# - Example of LINQ OrderByDescending() Method
  35. C# - Sort student names in descending order using LINQ
  36. C# - Sort employees list based on salary in descending order using LINQ
  37. C# - Example of LINQ ThenBy() Method
  38. C# - Example of LINQ ThenByDescending() Method
  39. C# - Example of LINQ Reverse() Method
  40. C# - Reverse the list of cities using LINQ
  41. C# - Example of LINQ Aggregate() Method
  42. C# - Example of LINQ Aggregate() Method | Sum of Array Elements
  43. C# - Example of LINQ Aggregate() Method | Total of Employee's Salaries
  44. C# - Check all items of a float array are greater than 5.0 using LINQ
  45. C# - Check length of courses using LINQ
  46. C# - Check the salary of all employees is less than 10000 using LINQ
  47. C# - Join Employee and Department class using LINQ Join() Method
  48. C# - Join Employee and Department class using LINQ Join Query
  49. C# - Join Employee and Department class based on condition using LINQ
  50. C# - Join multiple data sources using LINQ
  51. C# - Join multiple data sources using LINQ Join() method
  52. C# - Check a specified number exists in an array using LINQ
  53. C# - Check a specified city exists in List collection using LINQ
  54. C# - Check a specified employee exists in employees list using LINQ

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