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C# - Print names that contain a substring using LINQ
Learn, how to print the names that contain a substring using LINQ in C#?
By Nidhi Last updated : April 01, 2023
Here, we will create an array of Names then we print only those names that contain "MAN" substring using LINQ and print them on the console screen.
C# program to print the names that contain 'MAN' substring using LINQ
The source code to print names that contain "MAN" substring using LINQ in C# is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully on Microsoft Visual Studio.
//Program to print the names that contain
//"MAN" substring using LINQ in C#
using System;
using System.Linq;
class Demo {
static void Main() {
string[] Names = {"SUMAN","RAMAN","KIRAN","MOHAN"};
var strs = from s in Names
where s.Contains("MAN")
select s;
Console.WriteLine("Names are :");
foreach(string str in strs) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} ", str);
Names are :
Press any key to continue . . .
In the above program, we created a class Demo that contains the Main() method.
string []Names = {"SUMAN","RAMAN","KIRAN","MOHAN"};
In the Main() method we created an array of Names
var strs = from s in Names
where s.Contains("MAN")
select s;
In the above code, we select names that contain "MAN" substring.
Console.WriteLine("Names are :");
foreach (string str in strs)
Console.WriteLine("{0} ",str);
In the above code, we printed the names selected from the LINQ query on the console screen.
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