
C# - Join Employee and Department class using LINQ Join() Method

Learn, how to join Employee and Department class using Linq Join Method in C#? By Nidhi Last updated : April 01, 2023

Here we will create two classes Employee and Department. Then we will join both Employee and Department based on department id using Linq Join() method.

C# program to join Employee and Department class using LINQ Join() Method

The source code to join the Employee and Department using Linq Join Method, which is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully on Microsoft Visual Studio.

// C# program to join Employee and 
// Department class using Linq Join Method

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Employee {
  public int ID;
  public int Salary;
  public int DEPT_ID;
  public string Name;

public class Department {
  public int DEPT_ID;
  public string DEPT_Name;

public class JoinDemo {
  static void Main(string[] args) {

    List <Employee> employees = new List <Employee> () {
      new Employee {ID = 101, Name = "Amit  ", Salary = 4000, DEPT_ID = 101},
      new Employee {ID = 102, Name = "Amit  ", Salary = 3800, DEPT_ID = 102},
      new Employee {ID = 103, Name = "Salman", Salary = 3500, DEPT_ID = 103},
      new Employee {ID = 104, Name = "Ram   ", Salary = 2000, DEPT_ID = 101},
      new Employee {ID = 105, Name = "Shyam ", Salary = 7000, DEPT_ID = 102},
      new Employee {ID = 106, Name = "Kishor", Salary = 5000, DEPT_ID = 103}

    List <Department> departments = new List <Department> () {
      new Department {DEPT_ID = 101, DEPT_Name = "HR        "},
      new Department {DEPT_ID = 102, DEPT_Name = "ACCOUNTS  "},
      new Department {DEPT_ID = 103, DEPT_Name = "SALES     "}

    var Result = employees.Join(departments,
      emp => emp.DEPT_ID,
      dept => dept.DEPT_ID,
      (emp, dept) => new {
        ID = emp.ID,
          Name = emp.Name,
          Salary = emp.Salary,
          DeptName = dept.DEPT_Name

    Console.WriteLine("Employee Details: ");
    foreach(var e in Result) {
      Console.WriteLine("\tID: " + e.ID + ", Name: " + e.Name + ", Salary: " + e.Salary + ", Department: " + e.DeptName);


Employee Details:
        ID: 101, Name: Amit  , Salary: 4000, Department: HR
        ID: 102, Name: Amit  , Salary: 3800, Department: ACCOUNTS
        ID: 103, Name: Salman, Salary: 3500, Department: SALES
        ID: 104, Name: Ram   , Salary: 2000, Department: HR
        ID: 105, Name: Shyam , Salary: 7000, Department: ACCOUNTS
        ID: 106, Name: Kishor, Salary: 5000, Department: SALES
Press any key to continue . . .


In the above program, we created three classes Employee, Department, and JoinDemo. Employee class contains data members ID, Name, Salary, and DEPT_ID. The Department class contains DEPT_ID and DEPT_Name.

Now look to the JoinDemo class, the JoinDemo class contains the Main() method. In the Main() method we created a list of employees and departments.

var Result = employees.Join(departments,  
                emp => emp.DEPT_ID, 
                dept => dept.DEPT_ID, 
                (emp, dept) => new 
                    ID      = emp.ID     ,
                    Name    = emp.Name   ,
                    Salary  = emp.Salary ,
                    DeptName = dept.DEPT_Name


In the above code, we joined the Employee and Department class using Join() method and select ID, Name, Salary, and DEPT_Name.

Console.WriteLine("Employee Details: ");
foreach (var e in Result)
    Console.WriteLine("\tID: "+e.ID+", Name: "+e.Name+", Salary: "+e.Salary+", Department: "+e.DeptName);

The above code will print the result of join on the console screen.

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