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C# - Example of LINQ ThenByDescending() Method
Learn about the Linq ThenByDescending() method and its C# implementation.
By Nidhi Last updated : April 01, 2023
Here we will use Linq OrderByDescending() and ThenByDescending () method of List. Here OrderBy() method is used to sort employee detail at first level and then ThenByDescending () method is used to sort employee information at the second level.
Note: The OrderByDescending () and ThenByDescending() methods are used for sorting in descending order.
C# program to demonstrate the example of LINQ ThenByDescending() method
The source code to demonstrate the Linq ThenByDescending() method, is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully on Microsoft Visual Studio.
// C# program to demonstrate the
// Linq ThenByDescending() method.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Employee {
int ID;
string Name;
int Salary;
string Department;
public override string ToString() {
return ID + " " + Name + " " + Salary + " " + Department;
static void Main(string[] args) {
List <Employee> employees = new List <Employee> () {
new Employee {ID = 101, Name = "Amit ", Salary = 4000, Department = "ABC"},
new Employee {ID = 102, Name = "Amit ", Salary = 3000, Department = "XYZ"},
new Employee {ID = 103, Name = "Salman", Salary = 3000, Department = "ABC"},
new Employee {ID = 104, Name = "Ram ", Salary = 2000, Department = "XYZ"},
new Employee {ID = 105, Name = "Shyam ", Salary = 7000, Department = "ABC"},
new Employee {ID = 106, Name = "Kishor", Salary = 5000, Department = "XYZ"}
var result = employees.OrderByDescending(name => name.Name).ThenByDescending(sal=>sal.Salary);
Console.WriteLine("ID Name Salary Department");
foreach(Employee emp in result) {
ID Name Salary Department
105 Shyam 7000 ABC
103 Salman 3000 ABC
104 Ram 2000 XYZ
106 Kishor 5000 XYZ
101 Amit 4000 ABC
102 Amit 3000 XYZ
Press any key to continue . . .
In the above program, we created an Employee class that contains data members ID, Name, Salary, and Department, and Employee class also contains static method Main(). The Main() method is the entry point of the program.
In the Main() method, we created the list of employees using List collection. Then we sorted the list of employees in descending order using OrderByDescending() and ThenByDescending() method. The OrderByDescending() method is used for the first level of sorting and ThenByDescending() is used to sort at the next level in different fields.
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