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Swift Inheritance Programs
Inheritance is an important concept in the object-oriented programming approach, it is used for the reusability of the existing class. By using inheritance, a class can inherit methods, properties, and other characteristics from an existing class. The class which is going to be inherited i.e., the main class is known as a superclass, and the class which inherits methods, properties of an existing class is known as the subclass.
This section contains solved Swift inheritance programs, practice these programs to learn the concept of inheritance, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Swift inheritance programs.
List of Swift Inheritance Programs
- Swift program to implement single inheritance
- Swift program to implement multilevel inheritance
- Swift program to implement hierarchical inheritance
- Swift program to implement hybrid inheritance
- Swift program to implement method overriding
- Swift program to call base class overridden method in derived class using super keyword
- Swift program to call base class overridden method from derived class object
- Swift program to call a superclass init() method from subclass
- Swift program to implement property overriding