Souvik Saha

Technical Content Writer

Souvik Saha
Name Souvik Saha
Course Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), Computer Science & Eng.
College Jadavpur University
Technical skills C, C++, Java, MATLAB, HTML


C & C++

  1. fclose() function in C language with Example
  2. feof() function in C language with Example
  3. ferror() function in C language with Example
  4. fgetc() function in C language with Example
  5. fflush() function in C language with Example
  6. fgetpos() function in C language with Example
  7. fopen() function in C language with Example
  8. fprintf() function in C language with Example
  9. fputc() function in C language with Example
  10. fputs() function in C language with Example
  11. fread() function in C language with Example
  12. freopen() function in C language with Example
  13. fseek() function in C language with Example
  14. fsetpos() function in C language with Example
  15. ftell() function in C language with Example
  16. fwrite() function in C language with Example
  17. getc() function in C language with Example
  18. getchar() function in C language with Example
  19. printf() function in C language with Example
  20. putc() function in C language with Example
  21. putchar() function in C language with Example
  22. puts() function in C language with Example
  23. remove() function in C language with Example
  24. rename() function in C language with Example
  25. rewind() function in C language with Example
  26. Implement Stack using Linked List in C++
  27. Delete the middle node of a Linked List in C++
  28. Delete keys in a Linked list using C++ program
  29. Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size using C++ program
  30. Pair wise swap elements in a linked list using C++ program
  31. Convert a given binary Tree to Doubly Linked List (DLL)
  32. Modify contents of Linked List using C++ program
  33. Delete N nodes after M nodes of a linked list using C++ program
  34. Clone a linked list with next and random pointer using C++ program
  35. Topological sort implementation using C++ program

Data Structure

  1. Introduction to Graph in Data Structure
  2. Representation of a Graph in Data Structure
  3. Breath First Search (BFS) of a Graph
  4. Depth First Search (DFS) of a Graph
  5. Cycle Detection in an Undirected Graph
  6. Cycle Detection in a Directed Graph
  7. Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree
  8. Count all the possible path between two vertices

Interview coding problems

  1. Rotten Oranges
  2. Word Break Problem
  3. Alien Dictionary
  4. Find the number of islands
  5. Check a graph is Hamiltonian or not (Hamiltonian path)
  6. Knight walk problem
  7. Tug of War
  8. Backtracking to find all subsets
  9. Find out the sum-string
  10. Power Set in Lexicographic order
  11. Fill 8 numbers in a matrix
  12. Partition a set into k subset with equal sum
  13. Combinational sum problem
  14. Combinational sum problem with repetition of digits
  15. Match a pattern and String without using regular expressions
  16. Warnsdorff's algorithm for Knight's tour problem
  17. Length of the Longest Bitonic Subsequence
  18. Print the Longest Bitonic Subsequence
  19. Find out the longest palindromic subsequence from a string
  20. Find out the length of the longest palindromic subsequence from a string
  21. Count the number of palindromic subsequences in a given string
  22. Find the largest palindromic substring using O(1) space complexity
  23. Shortest Common Super Sequence
  24. Printing Longest Common Subsequence
  25. Find the maximum sum alternating subsequence
  26. High-effort vs. Low-effort Task Problem
  27. Largest Independent Set Problem
  28. Count the number of elements which are greater than previous element
  29. Longest alternating subsequence
  30. Step count problem | Find the number of possible combinations to reach the final step
  31. Print all the combinations of the parenthesis
  32. Count the combinations of the parenthesis
  33. Print the longest alternating subsequence
  34. Print Maximum Length Chain of Pairs
  35. Longest Increasing Odd Even Subsequence

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