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fseek() function in C language with Example
Here, we are going to learn about the fseek() function of library header stdio.h in C language with its syntax, example.
Submitted by Souvik Saha, on January 24, 2019
fseek() function in C
int feek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int origin);
FILE *stream, long int offset, int origin
Return type: int
Use of function:
The fseek() function is used to set the file indicator pointer to the associate with the file stream according to the value of offset and starting point of the file. The prototype of the function fseek() is:
int feek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int origin);
Here, the offset is number of bytes from the origin.
There are three macros in fseek() function:
- SEEK_SET: Seek from start of file
- SEEK_CUR: Seek from current location
- SEEK_END: Seek from end of file
fseek() example in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
//Initialize the file pointer
FILE* f;
//Take a array of characters
char ch[100];
//Create the file for write operation
f = fopen("includehelp.txt", "w");
printf("Enter five strings\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
//take the strings from the users
scanf("%[^\n]", &ch);
//write back to the file
fputs(ch, f);
//every time take a new line for the new entry string
//except for last entry.Otherwise print the last line twice
fputs("\n", f);
//clear the stdin stream buffer
//take the strings from the users
scanf("%[^\n]", &ch);
fputs(ch, f);
//close the file after write operation is over
//open a file
f = fopen("includehelp.txt", "r");
printf("\n...............print the strings..............\n");
while (!feof(f)) {
//takes the first 100 character in the character array
fgets(ch, 100, f);
//and print the strings
printf("%s", ch);
printf("\n...............print the position before print a strings S..............\n");
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
printf("the file indicator position is - %d\n", ftell(f));
printf("\n...............print the position after print a strings ..............\n");
fgets(ch, 100, f);
printf("%s", ch);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_CUR);
//print the current location
printf("the file indicator position is - %d\n", ftell(f));
printf("\n...............print the position after print all the strings ..............\n");
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
printf("the file indicator position is - %d\n", ftell(f));
//close the file
return 0;
C stdio.h Library Functions Programs »