Hrithik Chandra Prasad

Technical Content Writer

Hrithik Chandra Prasad

I am a spirited programmer who is currently pursuing a Bachelor's of Computer Application from Graphic Era Deemed to be University.

I want to be a full stack developer and working diligently to achieve those skills. I also love to write and read Technical articles and reading romantic novels.

You can easily find me at Momos stalls chilling with my friends and updating stories on Instagram.

His submissions

Ruby programming

  1. Ruby overview
  2. Ruby Syntax
  3. Variables in Ruby
  4. Classes in Ruby
  5. Objects in Ruby
  6. Ruby Comments
  7. Ruby Operators
  8. Conditional statements in Ruby
  9. Ruby Loops
  10. Ruby while loop with examples
  11. Ruby for loop with examples
  12. Ruby until loop with examples
  13. Ruby nested for loop with examples
  14. Ruby nested while loop with examples
  15. Ruby do...while loop with examples
  16. Ruby nested do...while loop with examples
  17. Ruby nested until loop with examples
  18. Ruby Arrays
  19. Ruby program to print Hello World!
  20. Ruby program to add two integer numbers
  21. Ruby program to find the area of the rectangle
  22. Ruby program to check whether the given number is prime or not
  23. Ruby program to find factorial of a given number
  24. Ruby program to find number of characters in a string (string length)
  25. Ruby program to reverse a string
  26. Ruby program to count the number of words in a string
  27. Ruby program to print an array as string
  28. Ruby program to check whether a variable is defined or not
  29. Ruby program to check whether the hash contains specified key or not
  30. Ruby program to convert the string into lowercase and uppercase
  31. Ruby program to generate random numbers
  32. Ruby program to check whether a string contains a substring or not
  33. Ruby program to print an array
  34. Ruby program to check whether an element exists in an array or not
  35. Ruby program to print Fibonacci series
  36. Ruby program to print power of a number
  37. chomp Method in Ruby
  38. Ruby constructors
  39. Ruby program to calculate the sum of all even numbers
  40. Ruby | How to initialise base class constructor with the help of derived class object?
  41. Ruby Inheritance
  42. Ruby Method Overriding
  43. Ruby program to calculate the sum of all odd numbers up to N
  44. Ruby program to count the number of digits in a number
  45. Ruby program to print multiplication table of a number
  46. Ruby Environment Setup | Installation of Ruby on Mac and Windows Operating System
  47. Ruby Gems | Ruby Tools
  48. Ruby Debugger | Ruby Tools
  49. Ruby assoc() function
  50. Ruby at() function
  51. Ruby clear() function
  52. Ruby pop() function
  53. Ruby push() function
  54. Ruby reverse function
  55. Ruby reverse! function
  56. Ruby break statement
  57. Ruby program to sort an array with command line arguments
  58. Ruby next statement
  59. Object oriented programming in Ruby
  60. Regular Expressions in Ruby
  61. CGI programming in Ruby
  62. Socket programming in Ruby
  63. Database access in Ruby
  64. Sending email using Ruby
  65. How to tell Ruby program to wait for some amount of time?
  66. Ruby alias vs alias_method
  67. String concatenation in Ruby
  68. How to concatenate strings using plus (+) operator in Ruby?
  69. concat() method in Ruby
  70. Ruby to_s method
  71. Ruby vs Python | Similarities and Dissimilarities
  72. Exception Handling in Ruby
  73. Modules in Ruby
  74. Ranges in Ruby
  75. Date and Time Classes in Ruby
  76. Threads in Ruby
  77. Multithreading in Ruby
  78. Hashes in Ruby
  79. Ruby Set
  80. Ruby Set Comparison
  81. Check the presence of an element in the set in Ruby
  82. Join all the elements of two sets in Ruby
  83. Find the common elements from two sets in Ruby
  84. Print the elements of a set in Ruby
  85. Find the difference between two sets in Ruby
  86. Find the length of a set in Ruby
  87. Merge two sets in Ruby
  88. redo and retry Statements in Ruby
  89. Check whether the set is empty or not in Ruby
  90. Delete and replace an element from the set in Ruby
  91. Ruby Set disjoint? Method with Example
  92. Ruby Set intersect? Method with Example
  93. Procs in Ruby
  94. Lambdas in Ruby
  95. Ruby Set methods | delete_if() and keep_if()
  96. Creating a Custom Error logger in Ruby
  97. Differences between Lambdas and Procs in Ruby
  98. Splat Arguments in Ruby
  99. Accessing elements of Array with method in Ruby
  100. Accessing elements of Array with Array.fetch() method in Ruby
  101. Accessing first and last element of an Array using Array.first and Array.last methods in Ruby
  102. Deleting elements from Array using Array.pop and Array.shift methods in Ruby
  103. Accessing Array elements using Array.take() and Array.drop() methods in Ruby
  104. Removing elements from Array using Array.delete() and Array.delete_at() in Ruby
  105. Different methods to find the length of an Array in Ruby
  106. Array.each Method with Example in Ruby
  107. Removing elements from the Array using of Array.compact and Array.uniq methods in Ruby
  108. Array.reverse_each Method with Example in Ruby
  109. and! Methods with Example in Ruby
  110. Array.reject Method with Example in Ruby
  111. Method with Example in Ruby
  112. Array.delete_if Method with Example in Ruby
  113. Array.drop_while Method with Example in Ruby
  114. Array.keep_if Method with Example in Ruby
  115. Creating Two Dimensional Arrays in Ruby
  116. Creating Array with Array.[](*args) in Ruby
  117. Creating Array with, obj) in Ruby
  118. Creating Array with in Ruby
  119. Creating Array with{|index|} in Ruby
  120. Creating Array Instance with & Operator(new_array -> arr & old_Array) in Ruby
  121. Creating Array Instance with * Operator(new_array -> arr * int/string) in Ruby
  122. Creating Array Instance with + Operator(new_array -> arr + old_array) in Ruby
  123. Creating Array Instance with - Operator(new_array -> arr - old_array) in Ruby
  124. Adding elements into an array instance with << operator in Ruby
  125. Array element assignment with ary[start,length] -> object in Ruby
  126. Array element assignment with ary[index] -> object in Ruby
  127. Finding whether two arrays are identical or not in Ruby
  128. Comparing Array instances with <=> in Ruby
  129. Array.assoc(obj) Method with Example in Ruby
  130. Array.include?(obj) Method with Example in Ruby
  131. Array.collect Method with Example in Ruby
  132. Array.combination() Method with Example in Ruby
  133. Array.permutation() Method with Example in Ruby
  134. Array.product() Method with Example in Ruby
  135. Array reverse! Method with Example in Ruby
  136. Array.rotate() Method with Example in Ruby
  137. Array.each_index Method with Example in Ruby
  138. Array.insert() Method with Example in Ruby
  139. Array.fill() Method with Example in Ruby (1)
  140. Array.fill() Method with Example in Ruby (2)
  141. Array.fill() Method with Example in Ruby (3)
  142. Array.replace() Method with Example in Ruby
  143. Array.reverse Method with Example in Ruby
  144. Array.index() Method with Example in Ruby
  145. Array.rindex() Method with Example in Ruby
  146. Array.cycle() Method with Example in Ruby
  147. Array.join() Method with Example in Ruby
  148. Array.sample() Method with Example in Ruby
  149. Array.rassoc() Method with Example in Ruby
  150. Array.shuffle! Method with Example in Ruby
  151. Array.rotate! Method< with Example in Ruby
  152. Array.take_while Method with Example in Ruby
  153. Array.rassoc(obj) Method with Example in Ruby
  154. Array.repeated_combination() Method with Example in Ruby
  155. Array.repeated_permutation() Method with Example in Ruby
  156. Array.shuffle Method with Example in Ruby
  157. Array.shift Method with Example in Ruby
  158. Array.slice() Method with Example in Ruby
  159. Array.slice!() Method with Example in Ruby
  160. Array.sort Method with Example in Ruby
  161. Array.sort! Method with Example in Ruby
  162. Array.sort_by Method with Example in Ruby
  163. Array.sort_by! Method with Example in Ruby
  164. Array.take() Method with Example in Ruby
  165. Array.uniq Method with Example in Ruby
  166. Array.uniq! Method with Example in Ruby
  167. Array.reject! Method with Example in Ruby
  168.! Method with Example in Ruby
  169. Array.transpose Method with Example in Ruby
  170. Array.unshift() Method with Example in Ruby
  171. Array.values_at() Method with Example in Ruby
  172. Method with Example in Ruby
  173. Array.pack() Method with Example in Ruby
  174. Hash.include?() Method with Example in Ruby
  175. Hash.assoc() Method with Example in Ruby
  176. Hash.has_value?() Method with Example in Ruby
  177. Hash Creation in Ruby
  178. Hash < other_hash (< operator) in Ruby
  179. Hash <= other_hash (<= operator) in Ruby
  180. Hash == Operator in Ruby
  181. Hash > Operator in Ruby
  182. Hash >= Operator in Ruby
  183. Hash.compact Method with Example in Ruby
  184. Hash.compact! Method with Example in Ruby
  185. Hash.default(key=nil) Method with Example in Ruby
  186. Hash.default=obj Method with Example in Ruby
  187. Hash.default_proc Method with Example in Ruby
  188. Hash.default_proc=obj Method with Example in Ruby
  189. Hash.delete() Method with Example in Ruby
  190. Hash.delete_if Method with Example in Ruby
  191. Hash.dig() Method with Example in Ruby
  192. Hash.each Method with Example in Ruby
  193. Hash.each_pair Method with Example in Ruby
  194. Hash.each_key Method with Example in Ruby
  195. Hash.each_value Method with Example in Ruby
  196. Hash.insert() Method with Example in Ruby
  197. Hash.eql?() Method with Example in Ruby
  198. Hash.fetch() Method with Example in Ruby
  199. Hash.fetch_values() Method with Example in Ruby
  200. Hash.flatten Method with Example in Ruby
  201. Hash.invert Method with Example in Ruby
  202. Hash.keep_if Method with Example in Ruby
  203. Hash.key?(obj) Method with Example in Ruby
  204. Hash.key?(value) Method with Example in Ruby
  205. Hash.keys Method with Example in Ruby
  206. Hash.merge(other_hash) Method with Example in Ruby
  207. Hash.merge!(other_hash) Method with Example in Ruby
  208. Hash.merge(other_hash){block} Method with Example in Ruby
  209. Hash.rehash Method with Example in Ruby
  210. Hash.reject Method with Example in Ruby
  211. Hash.reject! Method with Example in Ruby
  212. Hash.replace() Method with Example in Ruby
  213. Method with Example in Ruby
  214., value) Method with Example in Ruby
  215. Hash.length Method with Example in Ruby
  216. Hash.transform_keys Method with Example in Ruby
  217. Hash.transform_values Method with Example in Ruby
  218. Hash.update(other_hash) Method with Example in Ruby
  219. Hash.values Method with Example in Ruby
  220. Hash.values_at() Method with Example in Ruby
  221. Hash.rassoc(obj) Method with Example in Ruby
  222. Ruby Frozen objects
  223. Ruby Access Control
  224. Ruby Singleton Methods
  225. Polymorphism using Inheritance in Ruby
  226. Ruby Private Classes
  227. Ruby program to reverse a string | Set 2
  228. String creation in Ruby
  229. Encapsulation in Ruby
  230. How to check the datatype of an object in Ruby?
  231. How to append a String in Ruby?
  232. How to check if a hash key exists in Ruby?
  233. How to add elements to a Hash in Ruby?
  234. Ruby program to check leap year
  235. How to raise exceptions in Ruby?
  236. Methods of Exception Class in Ruby
  237. Ruby Mixins

Theory of computation

  1. Pushdown Automaton (PDA) | Theory of Computation

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