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Ruby program to check whether a string contains a substring or not

Checking substring in a string: Here, we are going to learn how to check whether a string contains a substring or not in Ruby programming language?
Submitted by Hrithik Chandra Prasad, on August 11, 2019

Checking substring in a string

Given a string and substring, we have to check whether a string contains a substring or not.

A substring is a sequence of characters within a string or in other words, a substring is a part of the string. Ruby provides you a keyword through which you can check the availability of a substring. That keyword is known by ".include?" which takes the specified substring as the parameter under double quotes like .include? “Hello”.

Methods used:

  • puts: The method put string is used to put a message on the screen for the user.
  • gets: This method is used to take input from the user.
  • .include?: One of the functionalities of this keyword is that it is used to analyze the existence of a substring within a string.

Variables used:

  • str1: It is being employed for storing the actual string.
  • substr2: It is storing the substring to be checked which is provided by the user.

Ruby code to check whether a string contains a substring or not

Ruby program to check whether a string 
contains substring or not

puts "Enter the string:"
puts "Enter the substring:"

if str1.include? substr1
	puts "Substring Found"
	puts "substring Not Found"


Run 1:
Enter the string:
My name is Hrithik
Enter the substring:
substring Not Found

Run 2: 
Enter the string:
You are at Includehelp.com
Enter the substring:
Substring Found

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