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Count of strings that can be formed using a, b and c under given constraints
In this article, we are going to find number of strings that can be formed under given constraints. This is a pure combinatorial problem that was featured in Google interview.
Submitted by Radib Kar, on March 02, 2019 [Last updated : March 20, 2023]
Problem Description
Given a length n, count the number of strings of length n that can be made using 'a', 'b' and 'c' with at-most one 'b' and two 'c's allowed.
Possible strings are:
"a", "b", "c"
Possible strings are:
"aa", "ab", "ac", "ba", "ca", "bc", "cb", "cc"
Solution of Count of strings that can be formed using a, b and c under given constraints
String alphabets are only {a, b, c}
Length of string is n. (n>0)
Let's consider what can be the possible cases
- String is only built with 'a', i.e., n 'a' forms the string.
Count of such string is: 1
- String built with one 'b' & n-1 'a'
Count of such string is: (n/1)=n
One 'b' can be placed at any of n positions, that's why n number of such strings
- String built with one 'b', one 'c' and (n-2) 'a'
Count of such string (n/2)*2=n*(n-1)
One 'b' and one 'c' can take any of two places out of n and any of 'b' & 'c' can comes first.
- String built with one 'b', two 'c' and (n-3) 'a'
Count of such string (n/3)*3=n*(n-1)*(n-2)/2
One 'b' and two 'c' can take any of three places out of n and there are 3 combinations possible between one 'b' & two 'c'.
- String built with two 'c' and (n-2) 'a'
Count of such string (n/2)=n*(n-1)/2
Two 'c' can take any two of n places.
- String built with one 'c' and (n-1) 'a'
Count of such string (n/1)=n
One 'c' can take any of one places out of n.
Example with explanation
Let n=2
Case 1: String is only built with 'a', i.e., n 'a' forms the string
Total under this category: 1
Case 2: String built with one 'b' & n-1 'a'
Total under this category: 2//(n)
Case 3: String built with one 'b', one 'c' and (n-2) 'a'
Total under this category: 2//(n*(n-1))
Case 4: String built with one 'b', two 'c' and (n-3) 'a'
No string in this category
Total under this category: 0
Case 5: String built with two 'c' and (n-2) 'a'
Total under this category: 1//(n*(n-1)/2)
Case 6: String built with one 'c' and (n-1) 'a'
Total under this category: 2//(n)
Total no of strings possible: 1+2+2+0+1+2=8
C++ implementation of Count of strings that can be formed using a, b and c under given constraints
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int find(int n)
//total no of string possible(for details check solution part)
return 1 + (n) + n * (n - 1) + n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 2 + n * (n - 1) / 2 + n;
int main()
int n;
cout << "enter length of string\n";
cin >> n;
cout << "Number of string possible under ";
cout << "constraints is : " << find(n) << endl;
return 0;
First run:
enter length of string
Number of string possible under constraints is : 8
Second run:
enter length of string
Number of string possible under constraints is : 39