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K-th smallest element in a Binary Search Tree

In this article, we are going to see how to find k-th smallest element in a Binary Search Tree? This problem has already been featured in Microsoft interview round. Submitted by Radib Kar, on April 03, 2019

Problem statement

Find the k-th smallest element in a given binary search tree (BST).


K-th smallest element in a Binary Search Tree
    Kth smallest element in the above binary tree is: 6

    Kth smallest element in the above binary tree is: 7

Solution Approach

One possible solution is to store the in-order traversal of the BST and printing the Kth element from the list. This can be done because in-order traversal of the BST produces a sorted list. But this solution leads to the overhead of additional storage which may not be entertained.

So, we go for a much better solution where we don’t need any additional space.


//k, count both parameter are passed by reference
FUNCTION kthSmallest (root, int & k, int &count) 
    1.  Base case
        IF (root is NULL)
            Return 0;
    2. Carry out in-order traversal and keep checking for kth smallest element.
        left=kthSmallest (root->left, k, count) //for left subtree
        IF (left)
            return left;
            Increment count
        IF (count==k)
            return root->data; //kth smallest element
    kthSmallest(root->right,k,count); //for right subtree
    In the main function we call kthSmallest (root, k, 0) //count 0 initially

Explanation with example

Example | K-th smallest element in a Binary Search Tree
    In the main function we make call to kthSmallest(root, 4, 0)

    KthSmallest (8, 4, 0)
    8 not NULL
    Left= KthSmallest(8->left , 4, 0);
    Call to KthSmallest(3 , 4, 0): //8->left=3

    KthSmallest (3, 4, 0)
    3 not NULL
    Left=KthSmallest(3->left , 4, 0);
    Call to KthSmallest(1 , 4, 0): //3->left=1

    KthSmallest (1, 4, 0)
    1 not NULL
    Left= KthSmallest(1->left , 4, 0);
    Call to KthSmallest(NULL , 4, 0): //1->left=NULL

    KthSmallest (NULL, 4, 0)
    node is NULL
    return 0;

    Control back to KthSmallest (1, 4, 0):
    Increment count
    Call to kthSmallest(1->right, 4, 1) 

    This is again NULL and control backs to KthSmallest (1, 4, 0)
    Since end of function reached control backs to KthSmallest (3, 4, 0)
    KthSmallest (3, 4, 0):
    Increment count
    Count=2 //it’s not 1 because count is passed by reference
    Call to KthSmallest(3->right, 4, 2)

So if you carry out similar way you will be able to find the k-th smallest one once k==count


C++ Implementation

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// tree node is defined
class Node{
		int data;
		Node *left;
		Node *right;

// creating new node
Node* newnode(int data)  
	Node* node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 
	node->data = data; 
	node->left = NULL; 
	node->right = NULL; 

//finding kth smallest element
int kthSmallest(Node *root, int& k,int &count){ 
		return 0;
	int left=kthSmallest(root->left,k,count);	
		return left;
		return root->data;


int main()
	//building the bst
	int count=0,k;
	Node *root=newnode(8); 
	root->left= newnode(3); 
	root->right= newnode(10); 
	cout<<"input k\n";
	cout<<"Kth smallest element in the ";
	cout<<"binary tree is :"<<endl; 
	cout<< kthSmallest(root,k,count);
	return 0;


input k
Kth smallest element in the binary tree is :

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