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Print the Table of a Given Number in 8086 Microprocessor
In this tutorial, we will learn how to print the table of a given number in 8086 Microprocessor?
By Ayush Sharma Last updated : May 22, 2023
Problem Statement
Write an assembly language program in 8086 to print the table of a given integer.
Assumptions: Suppose the inputted number is at memory location 500 and the table will be printed from starting location 600 till 609 in hexadecimal.
- Load input number address in SI and also load the address where we want output in DI .
- Store 00 in CH register.
- Increment value of CH by 1 and move the content of [SI] into AH register.
- Multiply content of AL and CH and store it in AX and then move content of AL into [DI], then increment value of DI by 1.
- Compare the value of CH and 0A, if not equal then go to step number 3 otherwise halt the program.
8086 program to print the table of input integer
400 | MOV SI, 500 | SI<-500 |
403 | MOV DI, 600 | DI<-600 |
406 | MOV CH, 00 | CH<-00 |
408 | INC CH | CH<-CH+1 |
409 | MOV AL, [SI] | AL<-[SI] |
40B | MUL CH | AX<-AL*CH |
40D | MOV [DI], AL | [DI]<-AL |
40F | INC DI | DI<-DI+1 |
410 | CMP CH, 0A | CH-0A |
413 | JNZ 408 | jump to address 408 if zero flag is 0 |
415 | HLT | Terminates the program |
- MOV SI, 500: load 500 in SI.
- MOV DI, 600: load 600 in DI.
- MOV CH, 00: load 00 data in CH register.
- INC CH: increment the value inside CH register by 1.
- MOV AL, SI: move the content of SI into AL register.
- MUL CH: multiply the contents of AL and CH register and store in AX register.
- MOV [DI], AL: move the contents of AL register into [DI].
- INC DI: increment the value of DI by 1.
- CMP CH, 0A: subtract data inside CH register and 0A.
- JNZ 408: jump to address 408 if zero flag is 0.
- HLT: terminate the program.