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Variable Initialization in C programming language.
First of all we should learn how to declare a variable in c programming language? There are two things which need to be defined while declaring a variable:
- Data type - which type of value is going to be stored in the variable.
- Identifier - Valid variable name (name of the allocated memory blocks for the variable).
Variable initialization
In c programming language, variable can be initialized in the declaration statement of any block (either it may main’s block or any other function’s block).
While declaring a variable you can provide a value to the variable with assignment operator.
Here is the syntax of the variable initialization
data_type variable_name=value;
Integer variable initialization
int number=10;
Float variable initialization
float value=23.45f;
Character variable initialization
char gender = 'M';
Character array/ string initialization
char country_name[]= "India";
char country_name[10]= "India";
/*here 10 is maximum number of character*/
Integer array initialization
int arr[]={10,20,30,40,50};
int arr[5]={10,20,30,40,50};
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