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An amazing trick to print maximum value of an unsigned integer in C
By: IncludeHelp, on 29 JAN 2017
Today, I am here with a trick to print the maximum value of an unsigned integer in c programming language. This trick and example is based on 32 bits compiler where unsigned integer takes 4 bytes in the memory.
Consider the following steps:
Step 1: Declare an unsigned integer variable using unsigned int.
Step 2: Assign -1 to the variable.
unsigned int maxValue=-1;
Step 3: Print the value with %u format specifier.
Now, maximum value of an unsigned integer will print on the screen.
Here is the example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned int maxValue=-1;
printf("Maximum value of unsigned int is: %u\n",maxValue);
return 0;
Maximum value of unsigned int is: 4294967295
A signed type variable contains both kind of values –ve to +ve but when any unsigned type variable is assigned with -1, it represents the maximum value of that type and %u is a format specifier which prints the value in unsigned format (without sign).
See the below captured image of calculator with maximum value of 32 bits (4 bytes), here I set all 32 bits.