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Print maximum value of an unsigned int using One's Compliment (~) Operator in C
By: IncludeHelp, on 31 JAN 2017
In "An amazing trick to print maximum value of an unsigned integer in C" I have discussed we can find maximum value of an unsigned int by assigning -1 to the variable. Here I am with another trick to get maximum value of an unsigned int using One's Compliment [Bitwise NOT Operator (~)] in C language.
Follow the given steps:
Step 1: Declare an unsigned int variable.
Step 2: Assign it with 0 (or 0x00 in Hexadecimal).
unsigned int max_val;
Step 3: Do One’s Compliment.
max_val = ~max_val;
Step 4: Print the value with %u format specifier.
Consider the following example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned int max_val;
//one's compliment
max_val = ~max_val;
printf("max_val: %X (Decimal value: %u)\n",max_val,max_val);
return 0;
max_val: FFFFFFFF (Decimal value: 4294967295)
As I discussed in Bitwise NOT Operator (~) that Bitwise NOT Operator toggle (flips) all bits for 0 to 1 and 1 to 0, here initial value is 0x00000000 (Binary: 00000000000000000000000000000000) and after One's Compliment (~max_val) the value will be 0xFFFFFFFF (Binary: 11111111111111111111111111111111), that is the maximum value of an unsigned integer.