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C Language Control Statements

C Loopings - for, while, do while

Looping (iteration) is the method (technique) which repeats the set of statement written in the loop body continuously until the certain condition (test-expression) is TRUE.

Basically there are two types of loops in C Language sentinel control loop & counter control Loop. In Counter Controlled loop, we know that exactly how many times loop body will be executed while in Sentinel Controlled loop we don’t know about the loop recurrence, Execution of loop is based on condition not counter.

There are three types of Looping provided in C Language:

  • The while loop
  • The for loop
  • The do while loop

The while loop

while is an entry controlled loop, test-condition is checked before executing the body of the loop ( set of statements) . while loop executes the given set of statements until the given test condition if false.

C Language while loop


        initialization of loop counter;
	        Set of statements/ loop body;
	        update loop counter;

Consider the example:

    /* program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using while loop*/

    #include < stdio.h >
    int main()

	    int cnt;	// loop counter

	    cnt=1;		// initialization of loop counter

	    while(cnt <= 10)
		    cnt++;	// update loop counter
	    return 0;



The for loop

for is an entry controlled loop, test-condition is checked before executing the body of the loop ( set of statements) .for loop executes the given set of statements until the given test condition if false. for loop contains the initialization, test-condition and update loop counter with the for keyword in a bracket separated by semicolon ";".

C Language while loop


    for(initialization of loop counter; test-condition; update loop counter;)
	    Set of statements/ loop body;

Consider the example:

    /* program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using for loop*/

    #include < stdio.h >
    int main()

	    int cnt;	// loop counter

        // initialization of loop counter, body and, // update loop counter
        for(cnt=1; cnt <= 10; cnt++)

	    return 0;

The do while loop

do while is an exit controlled loop, body of the loop is executed first after that test-condition is checked, do while also executes the loop body until the condition is false. do while executes loop body at least once even test-condition is false in starting.

C Language while loop


    initialization of loop counter;
	    Set of statements/ loop body;
        update loop counter;

Consider the example:

    /* program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using do while loop*/

    #include < stdio.h >
    int main()

	    int cnt;	// loop counter

        cnt=1;		// initialization of loop counter
            cnt++;	// update loop counter
        }while(cnt <= 10);

	    return 0;

Infinite loop

The loop which never ends is known as infinite loop. This type of loop is very useful in project (real life application) where you do not want to quit from the loop after the certain repeat. Embedded System application is the most useful example of infinite loop. Infinite loop can be made using any one of the loop from while, for or do while. Just put the non zero value instead of test-condition.


    //using while loop
    while( non-zero-value)
	    Set of statements/ loop body;

    //using for loop
    for( ; non-zero-value; )
	    Set of statements/ loop body;

    //using do while loop
	    Set of statements/ loop body;
    } while( non-zero-value);

Consider the example:

    /* program to print your name infinite */

    #include < stdio.h >
    int main()
	    char name[]="Mr. XYZ";
		    printf("%s \t",name);
	    return 0;



    Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ
    Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ
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    Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ
    Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ
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    Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ
    Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ         Mr. XYZ
    Mr. XYZ .....

When do while should be used?

do while should be used, when you want to execute some set of statements, then you want to check test-condition.

For example, if you want to check entered number is positive, negative or zero then ask for the user to do it again.

Consider the example:

    /* program to check enetered number is ZERO, POSITIVE or NEGATIVE until 
       user do not want to quit

    #include < stdio.h >
    int main()
	    int		num;
	    char	choice;
		    printf("Enter an integer number :");

                printf("Number is ZERO.");
		    else if(num>0)	
                printf("Number is POSITIVE.");
                printf("Number is NEGATIVE.");

		    printf("\n\nWant to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :");
		    fflush(stdin);      /*to clear input buffer*/
	    }while(choice=='Y' || choice=='y');
	    printf("\nBye Bye!!!");

	    return 0;


    Enter an integer number :0
    Number is ZERO.

    Want to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :Y
    Enter an integer number :1234
    Number is POSITIVE.

    Want to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :Y
    Enter an integer number :-345
    Number is NEGATIVE.

    Want to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :y
    Enter an integer number :45
    Number is POSITIVE.

    Want to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :N

    Bye Bye!!!

Nested looping

Loop within loop or Nested looping can be achieved by using loop statement with in the loop statement. You can use any type of loop with in the looping statements, it is not necessary that use same loop as inner loop.

Consider the example:

    /*program to print tables from 1 to 20*/
    #include < stdio.h >
    int main()
	    int i,j;	/*Here, we will use i for outer loop counter
				      and j for inner loop counter*/
	    int num;

	    for(i=1; i<=20; i++)	/*to print table 1 to 20*/
		    /*each number has 10 multiples*/
		    num= i;		/*to initialize number with i ( 1 to 20)*/
		    for(j=1; j<=10; j++)
			    printf("%3d\t",(num*j)); /*values will be padded with 3 spaces*/

		    printf("\n"); /*after printing table of each number*/
	    return 0;


     1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10
     2       4       6       8      10      12      14      16      18      20
     3       6       9      12      15      18      21      24      27      30
     4       8      12      16      20      24      28      32      36      40
     5      10      15      20      25      30      35      40      45      50
     6      12      18      24      30      36      42      48      54      60
     7      14      21      28      35      42      49      56      63      70
     8      16      24      32      40      48      56      64      72      80
     9      18      27      36      45      54      63      72      81      90
    10      20      30      40      50      60      70      80      90     100
    11      22      33      44      55      66      77      88      99     110
    12      24      36      48      60      72      84      96     108     120
    13      26      39      52      65      78      91     104     117     130
    14      28      42      56      70      84      98     112     126     140
    15      30      45      60      75      90     105     120     135     150
    16      32      48      64      80      96     112     128     144     160
    17      34      51      68      85     102     119     136     153     170
    18      36      54      72      90     108     126     144     162     180
    19      38      57      76      95     114     133     152     171     190
    20      40      60      80     100     120     140     160     180     200

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