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C programming language Tips and Tricks.
Latest C language Tips and Tricks
Extracting digits of a number using C program without using modules and divide operator.
16 AUG 2017 by IncludeHelp in C Tips & Tricks
Learn: How to extract digits of a number using C program without using modules and divide operator? Here, we will use a shortcut method to extract all digits of a number.
Different methods to print “Hello world” without using semicolon in C.
05 JUN 2017 by Amit Shukla in C Tips & Tricks
Learn: How to print any message like “Hello world” or how to execute a printf statement in C program without using semicolon.
Benefits of using '#define' to declare a constant in C/C++.
06 APR 2017 by IncludeHelp in C Tips & Tricks
Learn: how to declare a constant using ‘#define’ to make execution faster and save memory consumption?
How to separate 'words' while declaring an identifier in C language?
17 MAR 2017 by IncludeHelp in C Tips & Tricks
Learn: how to declare an identifier name that has more than one word (multi-words variable/identifier declaration)?
Declaring a function within the main() function in C language.
03 MAR 2017 by IncludeHelp in C Tips & Tricks
Learn: How to declare a function within main() function and how to define it outside of main().
Terminate any string from given index in C language.
03 MAR 2017 by IncludeHelp in C Tips & Tricks
Learn: How to terminate any string from a given index using NULL character.
Correct way to declare and define a function in C.
01 MAR 2017 by IncludeHelp in C Tips & Tricks
Learn: How to declare and define the functions in C language, what is the correct and incorrect way to declare and define functions?
C comments within a statement.
07 FEB 2017 by IncludeHelp in C
Replacing a part of string in C.
23 JAN 2017 by IncludeHelp in C