MCQ | SQL – Basics (Set 1)

SQL Basics MCQ: This section contains the Multiple-Choice Questions & Answers on SQL Basics (Set 1).
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on August 15, 2021

SQL Basics MCQs (Set 1)

1. What does SQL is used to perform operations on?

  1. Update Records
  2. Insert Records
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B


SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to update, insert, delete, create, modify, and maintain the records stored in the database.

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2. What does SQL stand for?

  1. SQL stands for Sample Query Language
  2. SQL stands for Structured Query List
  3. SQL stands for Structured Query Language
  4. SQL stands for Sample Query List

Answer: C) SQL stands for Structured Query Language


SQL is the short form of Structured Query Language.

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3. What does this SQL database language design to?

  1. Maintain the data in hierarchal database management systems.
  2. Maintain the data in relational database management systems.
  3. Maintain the data in network database management systems.
  4. Maintain the data in object-oriented database management systems.

Answer: B) Maintain the data in relational database management systems


SQL database language is designed to maintain the data in relational database management systems.

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4. SQL became the standard of?

  1. ASCII
  2. ANSI
  3. ISO
  4. Both B and C

Answer: D) Both B and C


SQL became the standard of ANSI and ISO in the year 1986 and 1987 respectively.

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5. Which statement is not true about SQL?

  1. Using SQL in relational databases is all about inserting, updating, and deleting data.
  2. Sample data can also be described with the aid of this tool.
  3. It helps develop relational database functions, events, and views.
  4. A SQL user can also set restrictions and permissions for a table column, a view, and a stored procedure.

Answer: B) Sample data can also be described with the aid of this tool


Structured data can also be described with the aid of this tool.

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6. SQL contains which component in its process?

  1. Optimization Engines
  2. SQL Query Engines
  3. Query Dispatchers
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


The SQL query process consists of components such as Optimization Engines, SQL Query Engines, and Query Dispatchers, etc.

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7. Determine the correct SQL command?

  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


Commonly used SQL commands are CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE, etc.

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8. What is the work of CREATE command?

  1. Using this command, you can remove or erase recorded information from a database table.
  2. It enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects using this command.
  3. Inserting records or data into the database tables is accomplished with this command. In addition to inserting records in single rows, we can insert records in multiple rows as well.
  4. A single or multiple rows can be accessed using this command from one or more tables of a database. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.

Answer: B) It enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects using this command


INSERT command enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects.

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9. What is the work of UPDATE command?

  1. A single or multiple rows can be accessed using this command from one or more tables of a database. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.
  2. Using this command, you can remove or erase recorded information from a database table.
  3. Database data can be updated or changed using this command.
  4. It enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects using this command.

Answer: C) Database data can be updated or changed using this command


Using UPDATE command, Database data can be updated or changed.

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10. What is the work of DELETE command?

  1. A single or multiple rows can be accessed using this command from one or more tables of a database. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.
  2. Database data can be updated or changed using this command.
  3. Database objects such as tables, table views, and other objects can be deleted using this command.
  4. Using this command, you can remove or erase recorded information from a database table.

Answer: D) Using this command, you can remove or erase recorded information from a database table


Using DELETE command, you can remove or erase recorded information from a database table.

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11. What is the work of SELECT command?

  1. Database objects such as tables, table views, and other objects can be deleted using this command.
  2. Database objects such as tables, table views, and other objects can be deleted using this command.
  3. One or more rows from one or more tables of the database can be accessed with this command. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.
  4. It enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects using this command.

Answer: C) One or more rows from one or more tables of the database can be accessed with this command. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible


Using the SELECT command, one or more rows from one or more tables of the database can be accessed. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.

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12. What is the work of DROP command?

  1. Using this command, you can remove or erase recorded information from a database table.
  2. Database objects such as tables, table views, and other objects can be deleted using this command.
  3. One or more rows from one or more tables of the database can be accessed with this command. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.
  4. It enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects using this command.

Answer: B) Database objects such as tables, table views, and other objects can be deleted using this command


Using the DROP command, Database objects such as tables, table views, and other objects can be deleted.

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13. What is the work of INSERT command?

  1. Inserting records or data into the database tables is accomplished with this command. In addition to inserting records in single rows, we can insert records in multiple rows as well.
  2. Database objects such as tables, table views, and other objects can be deleted using this command.
  3. One or more rows from one or more tables of the database can be accessed with this command. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.
  4. It enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects using this command.

Answer: A) Inserting records or data into the database tables is accomplished with this command. In addition to inserting records in single rows, we can insert records in multiple rows as well


Using the INSERT command, inserting records or data into the database tables is accomplished. In addition to inserting records in single rows, we can insert records in multiple rows as well.

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14. Which statement is not true?

  1. SQL is rational whereas No-SQL is non-rational.
  2. SQL follows BASE Model whereas No-SQL follows ACID Model.
  3. SQL database are vertically scalable whereas No-SQL database are horizontally scalable.
  4. No-SQL databases are preferable to store hierarchical data in comparison SQL databases.

Answer: B) SQL follows BASE Model whereas No-SQL follows ACID Model


SQL follows ACID Model whereas No-SQL follows BASE Model.

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15. Which statement is true about the SQL?

  1. SQL databases are vertically scalable.
  2. SQL follows BASE Model.
  3. SQL database cannot handle complex queries.
  4. SQL database does not require object-relational mapping.

Answer: A) SQL databases are vertically scalable


SQL is vertically scalable. SQL follows the ACID Model. SQL database can easily handle complex queries. SQL database does require object-relational mapping.

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16. Which statement is true about the No-SQL?

  1. No-SQL follows ACID Model.
  2. No-SQL does require object-relational mapping.
  3. Dynamic schemas for unstructured data are used in No-SQL databases.
  4. No-SQL databases are not preferable for storage of hierarchal data.

Answer: C) Dynamic schemas for unstructured data are used in No-SQL databases


Dynamic schemas for unstructured data are used in No-SQL databases. No-SQL follows BASE Model. No-SQL does not require object-relational mapping. No-SQL databases are preferable for the storage of hierarchal data.

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17. SQL has the advantage of?

  1. SQL require a lot of programming.
  2. SQL provides High-Speed Query Processing.
  3. SQL follows the standard languages of ANSI and ISO.
  4. SQL is easily portable.

Answer: A) SQL require a lot of programming


SQL does not required programming.

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18. SQL has the disadvantage of?

  1. SQL is cheap.
  2. SQL interface is simple.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. None of the above.

Answer: D) None of the above


SQL has the disadvantage that it is costly and its interface is complex.

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19. What is meant by Partial Database Control?

  1. Business rules are hidden.
  2. Users or professionals can't have the full control over the database.
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B


SQL has the disadvantage of Partial Database Control which means that the business rules are hidden and the users or professionals can't have full control over the database.

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20. What is meant by 'SQL is an interactive language'?

  1. Learning and understanding SQL is easy
  2. It can also be used for communicating with the database.
  3. In a few seconds, complex queries can also be answered using this language.
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


SQL is an interactive language – it means that learning and understanding SQL is easy, it can also be used for communicating with the database and In a few seconds, complex queries can also be answered using this language.

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