MCQ | SQL – Operators

SQL Operators MCQ: This section contains the Multiple-Choice Questions & Answers on SQL Operators.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on August 19, 2021

SQL Operators MCQs

1. Using a WHERE clause in a SQL query is used to specify SQL reserved words and characters, known as ____?

  1. Operators
  2. Data Types
  3. Numbers
  4. Syntax

Answer: A) Operators


Using a WHERE clause in a SQL query is used to specify SQL reserved words and characters, known as Operators.

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2. SQL Operator can be,

  1. Unary
  2. Binary
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B


SQL Operator can be Unary and Binary.

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3. Number of operands used by Unary Operator is?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: A) 1


Number of operators used by Unary Operand is 1.

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4. Numbers of operand used by Binary Operators are?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: B) 2


Numbers of operand used by Binary Operand are 2.

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5. Which one of the syntaxes given below is of Binary Operator?

  1. Operator SQL _Operand
  2. Operand2 SQL _Operator Operand1
  3. Operand1 SQL _Operator Operand1
  4. Operand1 SQL _Operator Operand2

Answer: D) Operand1 SQL _Operator Operand2


Operand1 SQL _Operator Operand2 is the syntax of Binary Operator.

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6. When an expression includes ___ SQL operator(s), the sequence in which they are evaluated is known as the SQL operator's precedence.

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. Multiple
  4. NULL

Answer: C) Multiple


When an expression includes Multiple SQL operators, the sequence in which they are evaluated is known as the SQL operator's precedence.

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7. Which of the statement is true?

  1. The precedence-low operators are evaluated last in SQL.
  2. The precedence-high operators are evaluated first in SQL.
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B


The precedence-high operators are evaluated first in SQL and precedence-low operators are evaluated last in SQL.

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8. Select the correct order of precedence among the following?

  1. OR > NOT > + > **
  2. NOT > OR > ** > +
  3. ** > + > OR > NOT
  4. ** > + > NOT > OR

Answer: D) ** > + > NOT > OR


Exponentiation operator (**) > Identity operator (+) > Logical Negation Operator (NOT) > Inclusion Operator (OR).

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9. Which of the following statement is correct?

  1. Comparison Operator has higher precedence than Conjuction Operator.
  2. Identity Operator has higher precedence than Multiplication Operator.
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: C) Both A and B


Comparison Operator has higher precedence than Conjunction Operator and Identity Operator has higher precedence than Multiplication Operator.

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10. Which of these are the types of operators?

  1. Arithmetic
  2. Comparison
  3. Set
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


Arithmetic, Comparison, and Set, all are types of operators.

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11. Which of the following is NOT the SQL Arithmetic Operator?

  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Unary
  4. Modulus

Answer: C) Unary


Addition, Subtraction and Modulus are all the SQL Arithmetic Operators.

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12. Which of the following statement is TRUE for SQL Additional Operator?

  1. SELECT operand1-operand2;
  2. SELECT operand1*operand2;
  3. SELECT operand1+operand2;
  4. SELECT operand1>operand2;

Answer: C) SELECT operand1+operand2;


SELECT operand1+operand2; is the correct statement for SQL Additional Operator.

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13. The numerical values of two ___ of the ___ table can be easily subtracted using SQL Subtraction Operator.

  1. Rows, same
  2. Columns, same
  3. Rows, different
  4. Columns, different

Answer: B) Columns, same


The numerical values of two columns of the same table can be easily subtracted using SQL Subtraction Operator.

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14. Which of the following statement is correct for SQL Multiplication Operator?

  1. SELECT Operand1+Operand2;
  2. SELECT Operand1*Operand2;
  3. SELECT Operand1**Operand2;
  4. SELECT Operand1<Operand2;

Answer: B) SELECT Operand1*Operand2;


SELECT Operand1*Operand2 statement is correct for SQL Multiplication Operator.

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15. SQL Division operator divides the operand on the ____ side by the operand on the ____ side.

  1. Left, Left
  2. Right, Left
  3. Left, Right
  4. Right, Right

Answer: C) Left, Right


SQL Division operator divides the operand on the left side by the operand on the right side.

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16. The SQL Modulus Operator returns the,

  1. Quotient
  2. Percentage
  3. Sum
  4. Reminder

Answer: D) Reminder


The SQL Modulus Operator returns the Reminder.

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17. Which of the following is not the SQL Comparison Operator?

  1. SQL Equal Operator (=)
  2. SQL Less Than Operator (<)
  3. SQL Greater Than Operator (>)
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


SQL Equal Operator (=), SQL Less Than Operator (<), and SQL Greater Than Operator (>) are all SQL Comparison Operators.

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18. Using which SQL Comparison Operator can we find the data that matches our query?

  1. SQL Not Equal Operator (!=)
  2. SQL Equal Operator (=)
  3. SQL Greater Than Operator (>)
  4. SQL Less Than Operator (<)

Answer: B) SQL Equal Operator (=)


Using SQL Equal Operator from SQL Comparison Operators, we can find the data that matches our query.

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19. Which of the following is a SQL Logical Operator?

  1. SQL ALL Operator
  2. SQL OR Operator
  3. SQL LIKE Operator
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


SQL ALL, SQL OR and SQL LIKE are all SQL Logical Operators.

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20. Which of the following is not a SQL Logical Operator?

  1. SQL Equal Operator
  2. SQL ANY Operator
  3. SQL BETWEEN Operator
  4. SQL IN Operator

Answer: A) SQL Equal Operator


SQL ANY, SQL BETWEEN, and SQL IN Operators are all SQL Logical Operators.

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