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Find Power of a Number using Exponential (**) Operator in Python
Power of a number: In this tutorial, we will learn how to find the power of a given number using exponential (**) operator in Python?
By IncludeHelp Last updated : April 09, 2023
Power of a Number in Python
To find the power of a number in Python, we can use exponential operator (**), which is also known as a power operator. It works with two operands (one on each side), and returns the exponential calculation.
Given two numbers a and b, we have to find a to the power b using exponential operator (**).
a = 10
b = 3
# calculating power using exponential oprator (**)
result = a**b
Power of a number using exponential (**) operator
Let's see, how to find the power of given numbers. Consider the below given two different programs using to calculate power of integer and float numbers.
Find Power of Integer Numbers in Python
# python program to find the power of a number
a = 10
b = 3
# calculating power using exponential oprator (**)
result = a**b
print (a, " to the power of ", b, " is = ", result)
10 to the power of 3 is = 1000
Find Power of Float Numbers in Python
# python program to find the power of a number
a = 10.23
b = 3.2
# calculating power using exponential oprator (**)
result = a**b
print (a, " to the power of ", b, " is = ", result)
10.23 to the power of 3.2 is = 1704.5197114724524
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