Python built-in keywords with examples

List of python built-in keywords: Here, we are going to learn about the python keywords – a list of all keywords with descriptions, examples.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on April 16, 2019

Python keywords

Keywords are the reserved words in any programming language and their meanings/tasks are predefined, we cannot change their meanings.

In python programming language, there are following python built-in keywords, which are used for various purposes to perform various tasks.

List of all python keywords

Sr. Keyword Description
1 and It is used for logical operations, it is a logical AND operator. It returns "True" if both operands are True.
2 as It is used to create an alias of a module.
3 assert It is used for debugging purpose, it returns an "AssertionError" if the given test condition is False.
4 break break the loop's execution. It is used to transfer program's control from a scope of loop body to the next statement written after the loop body.
5 class It is used to define/create a class.
6 continue It leaves the rest of the statements in the loop body and continues the next iteration of the loop.
7 def It is used to define/create a function.
8 del It is used to delete an object.
9 elif It is used with "if...elif...else" statement to check next condition. It is the same as "else if" of C, C++ language.
10 else It is used with "if...elif...else" statement to define an else block – if any condition is not True, else block executes.
11 except Just like "catch" block in the other programming languages, it is used to define an "except" block that executes if any exception occurs in the try block.
12 False It is used to define a Boolean value False, it may also the result of a comparisons expression.
13 finally It is used with the exceptions block (try...except...finally), it defines a code block that executes always – not matter "try" block has an exception or not.
14 for It is used to create a for loop.
15 from It is used to import a specific section (like functions, classes, etc) from a module.
16 if It is used to create a conditional statement i.e. to check the condition.
17 import It is used to import a module in the program.
18 in It is used to check whether an element present in a sequence like string, list, tuple, etc.
19 is It is used to check whether two objects are the same objects or not.
20 lambda It is used to create an anonymous function that can have multiple arguments but a single statement/expression.
21 None It is similar to the null, it is used to define a null value.
22 nonlocal It is used to declare a non-local variable, by using this keyword, we can instruct the compiler that the variable is not a local variable.
23 not It is a logical operator (logical NOT) and returns "True" if the operand is "False" or returns "False" if the operand is "True".
24 or It is a logical operator (logical OR), it is used to combine two conditions and returns "True" if any condition is "True", else it returns "False".
25 pass It is used as a null statement, it is very useful to define a blank function or a blank body of a conditional statement.
26 raise It is used to raise an error and displays a customized message.
27 return To return a value or/and returns the program's control from calling a function to called function i.e. it is used to exit from the function.
28 True It is used to define a Boolean value False, it may also the result of a comparisons expression.
29 try It is used with "try...except...finally" block.
30 while It is used to create a while loop.
31 with It is similar to "using" in C#.Net and VB.Net, it is used to simplify the exception handling.
32 yield It is used to end a function and returns a generator.

This is the complete list of python keywords; you can read the detailed explanation with keyword task, syntax, example, etc of any keyword by clicking on the link.

Python Tutorial


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