
Operating System Tutorial

Operating System Practice


Operating System Tutorial

Last updated : May 08, 2023

An operating system (OS) is the interface between user and computer hardware. It manages the hardware attached to the computer system. An operating system is a system software. Operating system perform various task regarding computer system like memory management,controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers,handling input and output,file management etc.

This Operating System tutorial contains all the basic to advance operating system topics like Process and I/O Device Management, File and Network Management, Memory Management, Security Management, CPU Scheduling, and more.

Operating System Tutorial Index

  1. Operating System: What It Is, Functions, and Types
  2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Operating Systems
  3. Operating Systems: Types and Functions of User Interfaces
  4. What are the Services of an Operating System?
  5. Real Time Operating System (RTOS) and Its Types
  6. Dual Mode Operations in Operating System
  7. Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing in Operating System
  8. Multitasking and Multithreading in Operating System
  9. Batch Processing Operating System: What It Is, Advantages & Disadvantages
  10. Differences Between Real-Time and Time-Sharing Operating Systems
  11. Difference Between Multitasking and Multiprocessing Operating Systems
  12. Segmentation in Operating System
  13. Fragmentation in Operating System
  14. Kernel in Operating System
  15. Types of Kernels in Operating System
  16. Kernel I/O Subsystem and Services in Operating System
  17. Difference Between Kernel and Operating System
  18. Difference Between Firmware and Operating System
  19. Process States in Operating System
  20. Process in Operating System: Classification, Scheduling, Execution
  21. Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) Scheduling in Operating System
  22. Booting Process in Operating System
  23. Child Process in Operating System
  24. Memory Layout of a Process in Operating System
  25. Types of Computer Memory | Operating System
  26. Cache Memory: What It Is, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages
  27. Cache Memory Performance and Its Design
  28. Process Management of Operating System
  29. File Management in operating System
  30. File Management Functions of Operating System
  31. File Allocation Table (FAT): What It Is, Types, Versions, Advantages & Disadvantages
  32. FAT32 vs. exFAT vs. NTFS: What's the Difference?
  33. File Allocation Methods in Operating System
  34. File System and File Access Methods in Operating System
  35. Free Space Management in Operating System
  36. Process Control Block in Operating System
  37. Process Operations in Operating System
  38. Process Scheduling in Operating System
  39. Important Terms Used in Process Scheduling
  40. FCFS: First Come First Serve Scheduling Algorithm
  41. SJF: Shortest Job First Scheduling Algorithm
  42. SRTF: Shortest Remaining Time First Scheduling Algorithm
  43. LJF: Longest Job First Scheduling Algorithm
  44. LRTF: Longest Remaining Time First Scheduling Algorithm
  45. Non-Preemptive Priority Scheduling Algorithm
  46. Preemptive Priority Scheduling Algorithm
  47. Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
  48. Process State Diagram in Operating System
  49. Process Synchronization and Inter Process Communication (IPC)
  50. Deadlock in Operating System
  51. Methods for Handling Deadlock in Operating System
  52. Memory Management in Operating System
  53. Physical and Virtual Memory in Operating System
  54. Difference Between Virtual Memory and Cache Memory
  55. Memory Management Techniques in Operating System
  56. Contiguous and Non-Contiguous Memory Allocation
  57. Job Sequencing (Algorithm, Time Complexity, and Example)
  58. Device and Security Management in Operating System
  59. CPU Scheduling in Operating System
  60. Disk Scheduling in Operating System
  61. Disk Scheduling Algorithms in Operating System
  62. Threading in Operating System
  63. Thread Implementation in Operating System
  64. Cooperating Processes in Operating System
  65. Multilevel Queue (MLQ) CPU Scheduling in Operating System
  66. Critical Section in Operating System
  67. Classical Synchronization Problem in Operating System
  68. Semaphores Solutions in Operating System
  69. Problem associated with priority scheduling and its solution
  70. Hardware Protection in Operating System
  71. Drawback of Resource Preemption
  72. System Calls: What It Is, Types
  73. Multi-processor Scheduling in Operating System
  74. Bare Machine and Resident Monitor
  75. Differences Between Hard Computing and Soft Computing
  76. Prediction of CPU Burst Time for a Process in SJF by Static Method
  77. Prediction of CPU Burst Time for a Process in SJF by Dynamic Method
  78. Application Software: What It Is, Types, Characteristics
  79. Difference Between System Software and Application Software
  80. Convoy Effect in FCFS Scheduling
  81. FCFS Scheduling with Overhead
  82. Memory Mapping and Its Types
  83. Cache Mapping and Its Types
  84. Direct Mapped Cache: Working and Implementation
  85. Set-associative Mapped Cache: Working and Implementation
  86. Difference Between CPU and GPU
  87. How changing cache line size will affect other parameters?
  88. Difference Between Buffering and Spooling
  89. Preemptive Vs. Non-Preemptive Scheduling
  90. SRTF with Processes contains CPU and IO Time
  91. Booting: What It Is, Architecture, and Booting Process


  1. DOS Directory Structure and File Naming Rules
  2. Top 7 Common Causes of Disk Failure with Solutions

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