Akash Kumar

Technical Content Writer @ IncludeHelp

Akash Kumar
Name Akash Kumar
IncludeHelp Campus Partner
Course Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science Engineering.
College Graphic Era University, Dehradun
Technical skills Languages(C,C++,Java), Tools(WEKA, RStudio, Eclipse, Tableau), Script(Python,Unix).
Fields of Interest Machine Learning, Big Data, Android app Development.
Hobbies Playing Cricket, Watching Horror shows, Reading Novels.
Strengths Enthusiasm for work, Hard Working, Confidence, Hard Working.

His submissions

Big data and Hadoop

  1. Hadoop | Mapreduce’s Engine: Job Tracker and Task Tracker
  2. Sources of Unstructured Big Data

Embedded Systems

  1. Addition of two 8 bits numbers in 8085 Microprocessor
  2. Subtraction of Two 8 bits number without borrow in 8085 Microprocessor
  3. Minimum of Two 8 bits number in 8085 Microprocessor
  4. 1's and 2's Compliment of 8 bits number in 8085 Microprocessor
  5. Addition of two 16 bits numbers without carry using 8086 Microprocessor
  6. Division of two 8 bits numbers using 8085 Microprocessor
  7. Subtraction of two 16 bits numbers without carry using 8086 Microprocessor
  8. Multiplication of two 16 bits numbers without carry using 8086 Microprocessor
  9. Reverse an 8 bits number | 8086 Microprocessor
  10. Convert an 8 bits number into its Gray number | 8085 Microprocessor
  11. Addition of two 16 bits numbers in 8085 Microprocessor using 16 bits operation
  12. Swap Two 8 bits numbers | 8086 Microprocessor
  13. Swap two 16 bits numbers using direct addressing mode
  14. 2's Compliment of 8 bits number with carry
  15. Multiplication of two 8 bits numbers using logical instructions
  16. Addition of three 16 bits numbers | 8085 Microprocessor
  17. Addition of two 8-bit BCD numbers | 8085 Microprocessor
  18. Swap two 8-bit numbers using Direct addressing mode | 8085 Microprocessor
  19. Convert 8-bit ASCII to BCD number | 8086 Microprocessor
  20. Flag registers of 8085 Microprocessor
  21. Find Square Root of a number | 8086 Microprocessor
  22. Find maximum of two 16-bit numbers | 8086 Microprocessor
  23. Find minimum of two 8-bit numbers | 8086 Microprocessor
  24. Find minimum of two 16-bit numbers | 8086 Microprocessor
  25. Find square of an 8-bit number | 8085 Microprocessor
  26. Find square root of an 8-bit number |8085 Microprocessor
  27. Show masking of lower and higher nibbles of 8-bit number | 8086 Microprocessor
  28. Show masking of lower and higher nibbles of 16-bit number | 8086 Microprocessor
  29. Reverse an 8-bit number | 8086 Microprocessor


  1. Fonts Reference | HTML
  2. Pseudo Classes | CSS


  1. Design Decision about Indexing | DBMS
  2. Commit Point of Transaction | DBMS
  3. When Not to Use a DBMS?


  1. Approaches to store the XML Document
  2. CDATA (Character Data) in XML

R language

  1. Maximum of 3 numbers in R language using user-defined function

Computer Organization

  1. RISC and CISC | Computer Organization


  1. Absolute vs Relative Imports in Python

Operating Systems

  1. Issues related to resource preemption

Big data

  1. 8 hats of data visualization design

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