C# Uri Class Programs

URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier. C# provides a class Uri that provides an object representation of a URI and easiest way to access, manage to the parts of the URI.

This section contains the solved C# Uri class programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the C# Uri class programs.

List of C# Uri Class Programs

  1. C# program to demonstrate the use of SchemeDelimiter property of Uri class
  2. C# program to check whether a given Uri is a file or not
  3. C# program to check whether a given Uri uses File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or not
  4. C# program to check whether a given Uri is accessed through Gopher protocol
  5. C# program to check whether a given Uri is accessed through http protocol
  6. C# program to check whether a given Uri is accessed through https protocol
  7. C# program to check whether a given Uri is accessed through SMTP protocol
  8. C# program to check whether a given Uri is accessed through NetPipe scheme of Indigo system
  9. C# program to check whether a given Uri is accessed through NetTcp scheme
  10. C# program to demonstrate the use of UriSchemeNews property of Uri class
  11. C# program to demonstrate the use of AbsolutePath property of Uri class
  12. C# program to demonstrate the use of AbsoluteUri property of Uri class
  13. C# program to demonstrate the use of Authority property of Uri class
  14. C# program to demonstrate the use of IsUnc property of Uri class
  15. C# program to demonstrate the use of LocalPath property of Uri class
  16. C# program to demonstrate the use of OriginalString property of Uri class
  17. C# program to demonstrate the use of PathAndQuery property of Uri class
  18. C# program to demonstrate the use of Port property of Uri class
  19. C# program to demonstrate the use of Query property of Uri class
  20. C# program to demonstrate the use of Scheme property of Uri class
  21. C# program to demonstrate the use of Segments property of Uri class
  22. C# program to demonstrate the use of UserEscaped property of Uri class
  23. C# program to demonstrate the use of UserInfo property of Uri class

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