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What is the full form of NCERT?
By Anushree Goswami Last updated : April 20, 2024
NCERT is an abbreviation of the National Council of Educational Research and Training. It is a Governmental organization that publishes books for all subjects in a variety of languages for the student of class 1 to class 8. Its head office is situated at Sri Aurbindo Marg in New Delhi, India.

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Council_of_Educational_Research_and_Training
NCERT History
- In 1961, NCERT was established by the Government of India.
- Its most significant goal was to help and counsel the State and Central Government on academic matters associated with school education.
It was created by the integration of seven existing institutions. Those institutions are:
- Central Institute of Education (1947)
- Central Bureau of Textbook Research (1954)
- Central Bureau of Educational and Vocational Guidance (1954)
- Directorate of Extension Programs for Secondary Education (1958)
- National Institute of Basic Education (1956)
- National Fundamental Education Centre (1956)
- National Institute of Audio-Visual Education (1959)
NCERT Objectives
NCERT is committed to offer the following facilities. Mentioned given below is the list of its top priorities:
- Early childhood education
- To implement of National Curriculum Framework
- Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE)
- Vocational education
- Girls child education
- Competitive value education
- Improvement of teachers education
- Improvement of thought of students
National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education
- In 1988, this modified curriculum framework appeared after the National Policy on Education (1986).
- It covers 12 years of school education and suggested a reorientation of curricular and instructional materials to make them more child-centered.
National Curriculum Framework for School Education
- In 2000, this National Curriculum Framework for School Education came.
- It gives particular importance and emphasis to the need for a healthy, enjoyable and stress-free childhood and diminution of the curricular load.
- As a consequence, an incorporated and thematic move was recommended, environmental education gave special importance upon language and mathematics got included in the first two years of schooling.
National Curriculum Framework
In 2005, the council turned up with a new National Curriculum Framework, drafted by a National Steering Committee.
This implementation was based on five guiding principles:
- Linking knowledge to live outside the school.
- Move from the rote method of learning.
- Elevating and enriching the curriculum for taken as a whole development of children so that it goes beyond textbooks.
- Making examinations flexible and putting together them with classroom life.
- Nurturing, developing and cultivating individuality well-versed by caring concerns.