
DBMS Tutorial

DBMS Practice

DBMS: Data, Information, Knowledge, and Differences

In this tutorial, we will learn what is data, what is information, what is knowledge, and the differences between them in DBMS. By Anushree Goswami Last updated : May 26, 2023

What is Data?

The raw information (facts and figures) input by the user is called Data. Raw means data isn't been processed yet. It has no significance beyond its existence and simply exists. Data means which has no meaning of itself.


{1} is a raw data.

What is Information?

Processed Data is termed as Information, i.e., data been contextualized, calculated, categorized and condensed. Information means meaningful data by relational connection. It's another thing that meaning may be useful or not.


{Roll No: 1} is an information.

What is Knowledge?

A processed data, i.e. Information when coming into practical use, an understanding of the information through senses, is termed as knowledge. It refers to the practical use of information and involves personal experience. Knowledge is a deterministic process. Learning numbers and alphabets, memorizing key points in a chapter, etc. are considered to be as knowledgeable.


Primary school children memorize knowledge of the time table. They can tell you that "3 x 3 = 9" because they have memorized it. But when asked what is "1580 x 337", they cannot respond correctly because that entry is not in their time table. To correctly answer such a question requires reasoning and logical aptitude that is only included in the next level... understanding.

basic terms of DBMS

Difference Between Data and Information

The following are the key differences between data and information in DBMS:

S.No. Data Information
1 Raw Data Processed Data
2 It doesn't help in decision making It helps in decision making
3 It doesn't required any prerequisite It require prerequisite as Data
4 Unorganized Organized

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