
DBMS Tutorial

DBMS Practice


DBMS (Database Management System) Tutorial

Last updated : May 31, 2023

Database Management System (DBMS) is a group of programs that operate a database and serve as an interface between a database, its users and other application programs. DBMS is designed to define, create, manipulate, extract and manage data in a database. DBMS typically manipulates data; data format, field names, record, and file structure.

This DBMS (Database Management System) tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both and covers all topics such as DBMS introduction, ER model, keys, relational model, join operation, SQL, functional dependency, and many more.

DBMS Tutorial Index

  1. DBMS: Data, Information, Knowledge, and Differences
  2. Database Management System: Introduction, Needs, Advantages
  3. DBMS: Users, Characteristics, Applications, Advantages, and Disadvantages
  4. DBMS: Components and Three Level Architecture
  5. When Not to Use a DBMS?
  6. Types of Database Management System
  7. DBMS: File Processing System and Database Approach
  8. Difference Between DBMS and Traditional File System
  9. Views in Database Management System (DBMS)
  10. Instances and Schemas in DBMS
  11. Data Models and Their Types in DBMS
  12. DBMS Data Models: Architecture and Drawbacks
  13. Database Languages and Their Types in DBMS
  14. Data Manipulation in a Network Database
  15. Hierarchical Database Model Integrity Constraints in DBMS
  16. Data Dictionary in DBMS
  17. Database Administrator (DBA) in DBMS
  18. Database Users and User Interfaces in DBMS
  19. Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS
  20. ER-Diagram Model and Its Elements / Components in DBMS
  21. Conversion of ER Diagram to Relational Model
  22. Difference Between SQL and NoSQL
  23. Aggregate Functions (with Examples) in DBMS
  24. Nested Queries, Correlated Nested Queries and Set Comparison Operators in DBMS
  25. Functional Dependency and Attribute Closure in DBMS
  26. Closure set of attribute and irreducible set of functional dependency
  27. Codd's 12 Rules for RDBMS
  28. Relational Algebra in DBMS
  29. DBMS | Extended Operators in Relational Algebra
  30. Relational Calculus in DBMS
  31. DBMS SQL Joins (with Examples)
  32. Difference Between Inner and Outer Joins in DBMS SQL
  33. DBMS Transaction and ACID Properties
  34. Commit Point of Transaction | DBMS
  35. Keys and Their Types in DBMS
  36. Normalization in Database Management System
  37. What is Chomsky Normal Form?
  38. What is PJNF (Project-Join Normal Form)?
  39. Difference Between 1NF and 2NF in DBMS
  40. Difference Between 1NF and 3NF in DBMS
  41. Domain-key normal form | DBMS
  42. Fourth Normal Form (4NF) | DBMS
  43. Fifth Normal Form (5NF) | DBMS
  44. How to find the highest normal form of a relation in DBMS?
  45. DBMS File Organization and Its Types
  46. Physical Database Design Decisions
  47. Log-based Recovery in Database Management System
  48. Buffering of Blocks | DBMS
  49. Schedule and Its Types in DBMS
  50. Lock-Based Protocol in DBMS
  51. Concurrency and Problems Due to Concurrency in DBMS
  52. DBMS | Concurrency Control and Various Methods of Concurrency Control
  53. Lossless Decomposition in DBMS
  54. Data Replication in DBMS
  55. Redundancy in DBMS
  56. What is Denormalization in DBMS and How Does It Work?
  57. Tuple Relational Calculus (TRC) in DBMS
  58. Difference Between Row Oriented and Column Oriented Data Stores in DBMS
  59. Join Operation Vs Nested Query in DBMS
  60. Armstrong's Axioms in Functional Dependency | DBMS
  61. DBMS Dependency Preserving Decomposition (with Examples)
  62. Thomas Write Rule in DBMS (with Examples)
  63. Equivalence of Functional Dependencies in DBMS
  64. Timestamp Ordering Protocol | DBMS
  65. Precedence Graph | DBMS
  66. Database Recovery Techniques | DBMS


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