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Single Linked list and its basic operations with traversing implementation
The article describes the single linked list ADT and its traversal implementation.
Submitted by Radib Kar, on October 21, 2018
Single linked list
Single linked list contains a number of nodes where each node has a data field and a pointer to next node. The link of the last node is to NULL, indicates end of list.
Single linked list structure
The node in the linked list can be created using struct.
struct node{
// data field, can be of various type, here integer
int data;
// pointer to next node
struct node* next;
Basic operations on linked list
- Traversing
- Inserting node
- Deleting node
Traversing technique for a single linked list
- Follow the pointers
- Display content of current nodes
- Stop when next pointer is NULL
C code to traverse a linked list and count number of nodes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node{
int data; // data field
struct node *next;
void traverse(struct node* head){
struct node* current=head; // current node set to head
int count=0; // to count total no of nodes
printf("\n traversing the list\n");
//traverse until current node isn't NULL
count++; //increase node count
printf("%d ",current->data);
current=current->next; // go to next node
printf("\ntotal no of nodes : %d\n",count);
struct node* creatnode(int d){
struct node* temp= (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
return temp;
int main()
printf("creating & traversing linked list\n");
//same linked list is built according to image shown
struct node* head=creatnode(5);
return 0;
creating & traversing linked list
traversing the list
5 10 20 1
total no of nodes : 4
Time complexity:
O(n), for scanning the list of size n
Space complexity:
O(1), no additional memory required