Append Last N Nodes to First in the Linked List using C++ program

Here, we are going to learn how to append last N nodes to first in the linked list using a C++ program?
By Indrajeet Das Last updated : August 01, 2023

Problem statement

Given a linked list and an integer n, append the last n elements of the LL to front. Assume given n will be smaller than length of LL.

The question asks us to append the last N nodes to front, i.e the new linked list should first start from those N nodes and then traverse the rest of the nodes through the head of the old linked list.


Input format: Line 1: Linked list elements 
(separated by space and terminated by -1

Sample Input 1 :
1 2 3 4 5 -1

Sample Output 1 :
3 4 5 1 2

For Linked List 1->2->3->4->5->6->NULL
To append the last 2 nodes, the new linked list should be:

Appending Last N Nodes to First in the Linked List

To append last N nodes to first in the linked list, take two pointers temp and t and point both of them to the head of the linked list. Take another variable i and equate it to – n. This i is used for finding out the head of the new linked list. Then traverse the loop while temp != NULL. In the loop check that if(i>=0) i.e temp is now n nodes away from t, t = t-> next. Now, update i++ and temp = temp->next on each traversal. At last, update temp-> next = head, head = t -> next and t-> next = NULL.


The steps to append last n nodes to first in the linked list are:

  • STEP 1: Declare the function appendNNode with parameters (Node* head, int n)
  • STEP 2: Declare two variables Node * temp , t and point both of them to head.
  • STEP 3: Declare int i = -n
  • STEP 4: Repeat Step 5 and 6, while(temp->next != NULL)
  • STEP 5: if(i>=0) t = t-> next.
  • STEP 6: temp = temp-> next, i++.
  • STEP 7: temp->next = head, head = t->next, and t-> next =NULL
  • STEP 8: return head

Consider these steps with an example -

At first: 1->2->3->4->5->6->NULL, t->1 and temp->1.
After complete traversal: 1->2->3->4->5->6->NULL, t->4 and temp->6.
So, temp->next = head and head = t->next
i.e 5->6->1->2->3->4 --- (reconnecting to 5)
Atlast, t-> next = NULL
i.e 5->6->1->2->3->4->NULL

Function / Pseudo Code

Node *appendNNodes(Node* head, int n){
	// Two pointers, one for traversal and 
	// other for finding the new head of LL
	Node *temp = head, *t = head;           
	//index maintained for finding new head
	int i = -n;
		//When temp went forward n nodes from t
			t = t->next;
		temp = temp ->next;
	//Connecting the tail to head
	temp->next = head;                      
	//Assigning the new node
	head = t->next;                         
	//Deleting the previous connection
	t->next = NULL;                         
	return head;

C++ program to append the last n nodes of a linked list to the beginning of the list

#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Node { // linked list Node int data; Node* next; }; Node* newNode(int k) { //defining new node Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); temp->data = k; temp->next = NULL; return temp; } //Used to add new node at the end of the list Node* addNode(Node* head, int k) { if (head == NULL) { head = newNode(k); } else { Node* temp = head; Node* node = newNode(k); while (temp->next != NULL) { temp = temp->next; } temp->next = node; } return head; } // Used to create new linked list and return head Node* createNewLL() { int cont = 1; int data; Node* head = NULL; while (cont) { cout << "Enter the data of the Node" << endl; cin >> data; head = addNode(head, data); cout << "Do you want to continue?(0/1)" << endl; cin >> cont; } return head; } //To print the Linked List void* printLL(Node* head) { while (head != NULL) { cout << head->data << "->"; head = head->next; } cout << "NULL" << endl; } //Function Node* appendNNodes(Node* head, int n) { // Two pointers, one for traversal and // other for finding the new head of LL Node *temp = head, *t = head; //index maintained for finding new head int i = -n; while (temp->next != NULL) { //When temp went forward n nodes from t if (i >= 0) { t = t->next; } temp = temp->next; i++; } //Connecting the tail to head temp->next = head; //Assigning the new node head = t->next; //Deleting the previous connection t->next = NULL; return head; } //Driver Main int main() { Node* head = createNewLL(); cout << "The linked list is" << endl; printLL(head); int data; cout << "Enter the number of nodes you want to append." << endl; cin >> data; head = appendNNodes(head, data); cout << "The new Linked List is" << endl; printLL(head); return 0; }


Enter the data of the Node
Do you want to continue?(0/1)
Enter the data of the Node
Do you want to continue?(0/1)
Enter the data of the Node
Do you want to continue?(0/1)
Enter the data of the Node
Do you want to continue?(0/1)
Enter the data of the Node
Do you want to continue?(0/1)
Enter the data of the Node
Do you want to continue?(0/1)
Enter the data of the Node
Do you want to continue?(0/1)
The linked list is
Enter the number of nodes you want to append.
The new Linked List is

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