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Swift program to demonstrate the assignment operators
Here, we are going to demonstrate the assignment operators in Swift programming language.
Submitted by Nidhi, on May 30, 2021
Problem Solution:
Here, we will perform the assignment and compound assignment operations using the assignment operators and print the result on the console screen.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to demonstrate the assignment operators is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
// Swift program to demonstrate the
// assignment operator
import Swift;
var num1=23;
var num2=10;
var res = 0;
print("Num1 :",num1);
print("Num2 :",num2);
res = num1+num2;
print("Result(=) :",res);
res += num1;
print("Result(+=) :",res);
res -= num1;
print("Result(-=) :",res);
res *= num1;
print("Result(*=) :",res);
res /= num1;
print("Result(/=) :",res);
Num1 : 23
Num2 : 10
Result(=) : 33
Result(+=) : 56
Result(-=) : 33
Result(*=) : 759
Result(/=) : 33
...Program finished with exit code 0
Press ENTER to exit console.
In the above program, we imported a package Swift to use the print() function using the below statement,
import Swift;
Here, we created three integer variables num1, num2, res, that are initialized 23, 10, 0 respectively. Then we performed all assignment operations using the built-in assignment and compound assignment operators and printed the result on the console screen.
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