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Ruby program to get key based on value from the hash collection
Ruby Example: Write a program to get key based on value from the hash collection.
Submitted by Nidhi, on February 16, 2022
Problem Solution:
In this program, we will create a hash collection. Then we will get the key based on the specified value using the key() method.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to get key based on value from the hash collection is given below. The given program is compiled and executed on Windows 10 Operating System successfully.
# Ruby program to get key based on value
# from hash collection
student = {"101" => "Amit", "102" => "Arun", "103" => "Sumit"};
key = student.key("Amit");
print "Key: ",key;
Key: 101
In the above program, we created a hash collection to store student information. Then we get the key based on the specified value using the key() method and printed the returned key. It returns nil if no matching value is found.
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