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Python program to illustrate importing exception from another file
Here, we will learn how to import exceptions to our python program from another file in Python?
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on February 14, 2021
An exception is a Python object that represents error that occurs during the execution of the program and this disturbs the flow of a program. The method of handling such exceptions is exception handling.
We will define an exception in a file which will check if the input is an integer or not. If yes, then do nothing otherwise throw an exception.
And then we will use this exception in our program.
Program to illustrate importing of exception in python
def inputInt(msg):
a = int(input(msg))
return a
except ValueError as e:
print("Invalid Input..Please Input Integer Only..")
import ExceptionLib as E
num1=E.inputInt("Enter First Number: ");
num2=E.inputInt("Enter Second Number: ")
Run 1:
Enter First Number: 100
Enter Second Number: 2
Run 2:
Enter First Number: 100
Enter Second Number: ok
Invalid Input..Please Input Integer Only..
Enter Second Number: Hello
Invalid Input..Please Input Integer Only..
Enter Second Number: -2
Run 3:
Enter First Number: -100
Enter Second Number: 2.3
Invalid Input..Please Input Integer Only..
Enter Second Number: -3.4
Invalid Input..Please Input Integer Only..
Enter Second Number: 2
Run 4:
Enter First Number: 100
Enter Second Number: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 6, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
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