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Appending a list or series to a pandas DataFrame as a row
Given a Pandas DataFrame, we have to append a list or series in it.
Submitted by Pranit Sharma, on June 20, 2022
- Pandas is a special tool that allows us to perform complex manipulations of data effectively and efficiently. Inside pandas, we mostly deal with a dataset in the form of DataFrame. DataFrames are 2-dimensional data structures in pandas. DataFrames consist of rows, columns, and the data.
- Python list: A list is a collection of the heterogeneous type of elements which means the data inside a list can be of any type. A list in python is just like an array where the first element has an index of 1 and the last element has an index n-1 where n is the length of the list.
- Series: A series is just like a list but the only difference is when we print a series it appears in a vertical fashion which represents that it consists of a single column and each element acts as a row.
Problem statement
Given a Pandas DataFrame, we have to append a list or series in it.
Append a list or series to a pandas DataFrame as a row
To append a list or series to a pandas DataFrame as a row, we will first append a list inside a list and then convert it into a DataFrame using the pd.DataFrame() method, it will accept two paramaters list and the column names in which the list items will be inserted.
To work with pandas, we need to import pandas package first, below is the syntax:
import pandas as pd
Let us understand with the help of an example,
Python program to append a list or series to a pandas DataFrame as a row
# Importing pandas package
import pandas as pd
# Creating a list of list and appending another
# list inside it
list = [['Ram','Shyam']]
# Adding these lists in df
df = pd.DataFrame(list,columns=['A','B'])
# Display DataFrame
The output of the above program is:
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