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Puzzle - Roshan and his Number
By Amit Shukla Last updated : December 21, 2024
Roshan have a favorite number and he give some information regarding his number. The information is that the sum of square of the digits constituting a positive two- digit number is 13. If we subtract 9 from that number, we shall get the number written by the same digit in reverse order. Now you have to find Roshan’s favorite number.
Important points of puzzle
- Sum of square of the digits of a two- digit number is 13.
- On subtracting 9 from that number.
- We get a number written by same digit.
- In reverse order.
- Now find that number.
For sum of square of digits to be 13, it is obvious that the digits should be 2 and 3. So the number can be only 23 or 32. Further, the number being referred to 32 since the reduction of 9 reverse the digit. Hence the required number is 32.