
MIS Tutorial


MIS Practice

MIS - System Approach

MIS | System Approach: In this tutorial, we will learn about the system approach in management information system, and systems approach features. By IncludeHelp Last updated : June 01, 2023

The system approach is based on the generalization that all things are inter-related and inter-dependent with one another. A system is made up of related and dependent elements that form a unique system. A system is simply an assemblage of things to forming a single unit.

One of the most significant characteristics is that it consists of a subsystem hierarchy. These are the components that form the main device, and so on. For instance, it is possible to view the world as a system in which different national economies are sub-systems.

System Approach as Planning, Organizing and Controlling in MIS

System Approach in Planning

Planning is an essential feature of management. Planning involves deciding what needs to be done, who needs to do it, when to do it, and how to do it in advance. Two phases are part of the preparation process:

  • Developing the strategic.
  • Formulating the steps which are necessary to accomplish the plan, timing and expense.

System Approach in Organizing

Organizing is important for managers because it leads to successful group action. It also helps to keep people working together. The following points are shows about the System Approach in Organizing -

The good structure of the organization as outlined in the policies and procedure.

  • Informal organizing.
  • The individual as a device
  • The method of organizational contact.
  • The power chain.
  • The functional method.
  • The system for management process.

System Approach in Controlling

Controlling is necessary because the outcome of the desire needs to be achieved. The most popular approach consists of a three-step procedure—

Setting a performance standard requires the quality of performance we need. Quantitative or qualitative maybe these parameters.

Performance assessment against this standard is important to assess performance against standards once a standard has been developed.

Deviation Control-we understand that the first comparison of the norm with real results is made to calculate the deviation.

Systems Approach Features

  1. A system consists of elements that interact. It is a set of interrelated and inter-dependent components organized in a way that generates a cohesive whole.
  2. In their inter-relationships, rather than in isolation from each other, the different subsystems should be examined.
  3. There is a boundary in an organizational structure that defines which parts are internal and which are external.
  4. In a vacuum, there is no device. It receives data, materials and energy as inputs from other systems. Inside a system, these inputs undergo a phase of transformation and exit the system as an output to other systems.
  5. As it is sensitive to its environment, an organization is a dynamic structure. In his climate, he is vulnerable to change.

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