Kotlin program to sort an array in descending order

Kotlin | Sorting an array (Descending Order): Here, we are going to learn how to sort an array in descending order in Kotlin programming language? Submitted by IncludeHelp, on May 03, 2020

Kotlin - Sort an array in descending order

Given an array, we have to sort its elements in descending order.


arr = [10, 20, 5, 2, 30]

sorted array (Descending Order): [30, 20, 10, 5, 2]

Program to sort an array in descending order in Kotlin

package com.includehelp.basic

import java.util.*

//Main Function entry Point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    //Input Stream
    val s = Scanner(System.`in`)

    //Input Array Size
    print("Enter number of elements in the array: ")
    val size = s.nextInt()

    //Create Integer array of Given size
    val intArray = IntArray(size)

    //Input array elements
    println("Enter Arrays Elements:")
    for (i in intArray.indices) {
        print("intArray[$i] : ")
        intArray[i] = s.nextInt()

    //to Perform Descending Order Sorting on integer Array
    var temp:Int
    for (i in intArray.indices) {
        for (j in i + 1 until intArray.size) {
            if (intArray[i] < intArray[j]) {
                temp = intArray[i]
                intArray[i] = intArray[j]
                intArray[j] = temp

    //Alternatively we can also use sortDescending() method 
    //of Arrays Class in kotlin to sort in Descending Order

    print("Descending Order: ")
    for (item in intArray) {
        print("$item ")


Run 1:
Enter number of elements in the array: 8
Enter Arrays Elements:
intArray[0] : 34
intArray[1] : 6
intArray[2] : -98
intArray[3] : 0
intArray[4] : 12
intArray[5] : 7
intArray[6] : 7
intArray[7] : 45
Descending Order: 45 34 12 7 7 6 0 -98
Enter number of elements in the array: 7
Enter Arrays Elements:
intArray[0] : 12
intArray[1] : 34
intArray[2] : 56
intArray[3] : 78
intArray[4] : 90
intArray[5] : -65
intArray[6] : 032
Descending Order: 90 78 56 34 32 12 -65

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