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Explain Structures with Example in C#
In this article, we are going to learn about structures in C#, what structures may contain, structures declarations, usages and examples.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on January 13, 2018
A Structure is a user defines data type that contains de-similar elements of other type.
In C#, structure is a value type, that’s why, a structure occupy memory space into a stack. We can create an object or instance of object. C# structure can contain following things:
- Fields
- Properties
- Constants
- Methods
- Indexer etc.
A structure can also contain other structure.
Structure Declaration:
To create structure we will use struct keyword.
struct <struct_name>
//Member of structure
struct Student
public int roll_number;
public string name;
Structure Object creation:
To create object or instance of structure, we will use new keyword.
Student S = new Student();
Accessing Element of structure:
To access element of structure, we use dot . Operator.
S.roll_number = 10;
S.name = "Shaurya";
program to demonstrate the use of structure in C#
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
struct Student
public int roll_number;
public string name;
public void SetValue(int roll, string na)
roll_number = roll;
name= na;
public void printValue()
Console.WriteLine("Roll Number: " + roll_number);
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + name);
class Program
static void Main()
Student S = new Student();
S.SetValue(101, "Shaurya Pratap Singh");
Roll Number: 101
Name: Shaurya Pratap Singh
In this program, we created a structure Student that contains two members, roll_number and name. And we defined two methods, one for set values to structure and other for print structure values.