
C# Data Structure Programs

Learn and practice the data structures problems on arrays, sorting, searching, stacks, queues, dequeues, hashes, etc. with solved C# programs/examples.

List of C# Data Structure Programs

  1. C# program to implement stack using array
  2. C# program to implement stack using structure
  3. C# program to implement Double Stack using structure
  4. C# program to implement Double Stack using class
  5. C# program to implement linear queue using array
  6. C# program to implement Linear Queue using structure
  7. C# program to implement circular queue using array
  8. C# program to implement the Circular Queue using structure
  9. C# program to push elements to stack using collection
  10. C# program to pop elements from stack using collection
  11. C# program to peek elements from stack using collection
  12. C# program to clear all elements from stack
  13. C# program to check whether element exists in stack or not
  14. C# program to get total number of elements in stack
  15. C# program to copy stack elements to array
  16. C# program to insert or enqueue elements into queue using collection
  17. C# program to delete or dequeue elements from queue using collection
  18. C# program to clear all elements of Queue
  19. C# program to count total items/elements of Queue
  20. C# program to check element is exist in Queue or not
  21. C# program to copy Queue elements to array
  22. C# program to convert queue into object array
  23. C# program to peek elements from Queue using collection
  24. C# program to implement In-order traversal in Binary Tree
  25. C# program to implement Pre-order traversal in Binary Tree
  26. C# program to implement Post-order traversal in Binary Tree
  27. C# program to get all stack frames using StackTrace class
  28. C# program to traverse the singly linked list
  29. C# program to delete a given node from the singly Linked-List
  30. C# program to demonstrate the Tower Of Hanoi
  31. C# program to implement selection Sort
  32. C# program to implement selection Sort to arrange elements in the descending order
  33. C# program to sort an array in ascending order using insertion sort
  34. C# program to sort an array in descending order using insertion sort
  35. C# program to sort an array in ascending order using bubble sort
  36. C# program to sort an array in descending order using bubble sort
  37. C# program to sort an array using quick sort
  38. C# program to sort an array using merge sort
  39. C# program to sort an integer array using Radix Sort
  40. C# program to implement the Heap Sort

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