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C# - Math.Sign() Method with Example
In this tutorial, we will learn about the C# Math.Sign() method with its definition, usage, syntax, overload, and example.
By Nidhi Last updated : March 29, 2023
C# Math.Sign() Method
The Math.Sign() method is used to indicate the sign of the given number. This method is overloaded 7 times.
int Math.Sign(Decimal)
int Math.Sign(Double)
int Math.Sign(Int16)
int Math.Sign(Int32)
int Math.Sign(Int64)
int Math.Sign(SByte)
int Math.Sign(Single)
This method is overloaded 7 times then passed parameters are different types.
Return Value
It returns integer value:
- 0 : For 0 value.
- -1 : For negative value.
- 1 : For positive value.
C# Example of Math.Sign() Method
The source code to demonstrate the use of Sign() method of Math class is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
using System;
class Sample {
//Entry point of Program
static public void Main() {
int ret = 0;
ret = Math.Sign(-52m);
if (ret == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Equal to zero");
else if (ret == -1)
Console.WriteLine("Less than zero");
Console.WriteLine("Greater than zero");
ret = Math.Sign(52m);
if (ret == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Equal to zero");
else if (ret == -1)
Console.WriteLine("Less than zero");
Console.WriteLine("Greater than zero");
Less than zero
Greater than zero
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