What is the full form of IOC?

By Anushree Goswami Last updated : April 20, 2024

IOC is an abbreviation of the International Olympic Committee. It is a non-profit independent global organization that holds the highest authority in charge of organizing and managing the modern Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Its head office is situated in Lausanne, Switzerland. As of July 2017, Thomas Bach is the president of IOC. The work of the president is to keep an eye on the activities of the committee even though the most significant decisions are taken by the IOC Sessions and Executive Board.

IOC History

  • On 23 June 1894, 125 years ago, it was founded by Pierre de Coubertin and Demetrios Vikelas .
  • On 6 April 1896, the first Olympic Games of the modern time were held in Athens, Greece and from that time till now, it has not stopped growing ever since.
  • IOC makes profits income for the Olympics through marketing programmes together with the sale of broadcast rights and The Olympic Partner (TOP) programme.
  • In the process of helping the athletes and sports organizations around the world for the growth and enhancement, more than 90 percent of this profits income is used in this biggest cause.
IOC full form

IOC Major Roles

According to the Olympic Charter, IOC carries out a variety of tasks and functions. Following given below are some of its most significant major functions or roles,

  • To support, maintain and encourage the promotion of moral principles in sport.
  • To keep maintain and guard the independence of the Olympic Movement and make the sure standard celebration of the Olympic Games.
  • To battle in opposition to any type of preconception and discrimination that can affect the Olympic Movement.
  • To encourage the involvement of women in sports at all levels and support them in participation with all kinds of requirements.
  • To battle in opposition to doping in sport, match-fixing and any kind of political or commercial mistreatment of sport or athletes.
  • To hold up and maintain the concerns for environmental issues and encourage the promotion of sustainable expansion and growth in the sport.
  • To hold up, maintain and encourage plans, schemes, and proposals that bring together sport with education and culture.
  • To hold up, maintain and encourage the actions and undertakings of the International Olympic Academy and other institutions and organizations which contribute to the spreading of Olympic education.

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