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What is the full form of GUI?
Full form of GUI: Here, we are going to learn about the GUI, full form of GUI, overview, basic components of GUI, advantages and disadvantages.
By Anushree Goswami Last updated : March 30, 2024
GUI: Graphical User Interface
GUI is an abbreviation of Graphical User Interface. It alludes to an interface through graphic components that enable one to interrelate with electronic devices like computers and tablets. To show information, it uses icons, menus and other graphical portrayals in a specific way, as averse to text-based instructions. The graphic components allow users to give instructions to the computer and by the use of a mouse or other input devices choose services preferably.
Under a GUI, the programs which run has a particular order of a set of graphic components so these programs a user can use without taking the training of new commands, after taking training in a particular interface. Xerox 8010 Information system was the original GUI-centric computer operating model. It was designed and created by Alan Kay, Douglas Engelbart and their partners at Xerox PARC. Till 2014, the highly demanded GUIs are Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. And, if we discuss mobile devices, then Apple's IOS and Google's Android Interface are the extensively used GUIs.

Image source: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/3337153/
Basic Components of a GUI
- Pointer: On the display screen, it is a marker that pop-ups. It can proceed to choose commands and objects.
- Pointing device: On the display screen, it enables a user to shift the pointer and choose objects, e.g. a mouse or trackball.
- Icons: On the display screen, it alludes to small images that constitute commands, files, windows etc. By the use of pointer and pointing device, a user can implement these commands.
- Desktop: It is the display screen that holds within the icons.
Advantages of GUI
- It enables a user to set more information and data inside a program.
- The graphics enable users to use intricate programs with considerable effortlessness.
- A user does not require editing configurations by hands, which saves a lot of time.
- A user can simply memorize the tasks just through point-and-click.
- With a point-and-click interface, it aids in designing and developing user-friendly software.
Disadvantages of GUI
- The tasks on which a user operate some commands in command line tools like MS DOS takes additional time to complete in GUI.
- It consumes a large amount of time to create and design an excellent looking interface.
- Many GUI's consumes a large amount of memory resources which makes an operating system or device very slow.
- Testing and execution consumes a large amount of time.