What is the full form of GPS?

Full form of GPS: Here, we are going to learn about the GPS, full form of GPS, overview, parts of GPS, working of GPS and GPS usages. By Anushree Goswami Last updated : March 30, 2024

GPS: Global Positioning System

GPS is an abbreviation of the Global Positioning System. It operates on the basis of a satellite navigation system which enables users on the surface to regulate their precise location, velocity, and time 24 hours a day, in all kinds of weather conditions, around the whole world. The U.S. Department of Defense maintained and developed this system, which was fundamentally designed to help soldiers and military vehicles but after some decades it made available for anyone who contains GPS receiver. It is extensively used to track vehicles and from one location to another location to follow the best route by Airlines, shipping firms, courier companies, drivers, etc.

GPS History

In the 1960s, the first GPS was created to help the ships of the US Navy in navigating the oceans more precisely. With five satellites support, the first system was begun which allows ships once every hour to examine their location.

GPS full form

Image source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Architecture-of-A-GPS-System_fig1_303163738

Parts of GPS

Following are the three different segments in which the GPS can be categorized,

  • Space Segment: It alludes to satellites. In six orbital planes, there are approximately 24 satellites distributed.
  • Control Segment: It alludes to stations on Earth, which are created and designed to maintain and monitor the satellites.
  • User Segment: It alludes to users, the navigation signals which are received from the GPS satellites to determine the location and time is processed by the users.

Working of GPS

The total number of satellites in orbit is around 24 satellites and some additionally spare satellites with a duration of 12 hours which consists of two orbits per day at a height of about 11,500 miles. From any location on Earth, satellites are allocated in such a way that four satellites will be above the horizon.

The GPS device will first organize a connection with 3 to 4 satellites in a sequence of arrangements to receive the information. GPS satellites transmit a message comprising the location of the receiver. From different satellites, the GPS receiver integrates the message to determine the accurate location using the process called triangulation.

An unobstructed line of sight for communication is required for GPS satellites. Therefore, for indoor use, this technology is not the most suitable technology. There few devices use within reach cell towers and public Wi-Fi signals. This technology is known as LPS (Local Positioning System) and is a replacement for GPS.

GPS Usage

  • To calculate the accurate position.
  • To navigate from one location to another location.
  • It can trace the act of moving a person or an object.
  • It is used to design maps of the world.
  • It provides exact timing to the world.

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