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What is the full form of BBC?
Full form of BBC: Here, we are going to learn about the BBC, full form of BBC, overview, history, services, etc.
By Anushree Goswami Last updated : April 4, 2024
BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
BBC is an abbreviation of British Broadcasting Corporation. It is one of the leading broadcasting networks in the world. Its system works through public financial support under the royal charter. Its head office is situated in Broadcasting House, London. Until 1954 in Great Britain, it held a monopoly on television and until 1972 on the radio.
BBC provides public services that comprise publications, radio and television broadcasts. The most significant section of its income and profits comes from the Broadcasting News Channel "BBC News". The news channel of BBC is completely accepted across the world and is broadcasted in nearly all the countries of the world such as India, China, the USA, the UK, Brazil, France, Italy, and Australia.
The majority of the BBC programs focus on international news and events. The programs featured on BBC are translated into a variety of other languages so that in other countries of the world the programs could be broadcasted.

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_News
BBC Brief History
- In October 1922, BBC was established by John Reith and George Villiers.
- On 14 November 1922, its first regular broadcast was broadcasted from Marconi's studio in London.
- In 1927, BBC received the Royal Charter and the new name was chosen for BBC which is British Broadcasting Corporation changed from British Broadcasting Company.
- In November 1936, BBC began its television service at Alexandra Palace in London.
- In the duration of World War II, BBC had to put up the shutters for the television services and therefore at that time it continued to notify, update and entertain his television audience and listeners on the radio.
- In 1953, it broadcasted the Queen's ceremony of crowning. The broadcasting of this ceremonial event witnessed a broad range of around 22 million people. Through this broadcast, it created eagerness in people to have televisions at their home, which helped in increasing the sales of televisions.
- In June 1960, the new Television Centre of BBC was opened in West London which afterward became the head office of BBC.
- In 1997, BBC introduced BBC online (bbc.co.uk) which developed into one of the highly trusted websites of the world.
- In 2007, the BBC trust transformed into the leading governs body of BBC because of a ten-year-old charter that was negotiated with the government and therefore it began increasing its online services worldwide.